I have been experimenting these steamed bun with various recipes and fillings. It's fun and I personally feel that making these buns are very challenging. To get a soft, fluffy and smooth skin buns are the greatest challenges that you have to face. There a few variations with bun flour, softner etc....this recipe is with dough and bread softner. It turned out as what I wanted, soft, fluffy and smooth skin. This time around I used fresh grated coconut as the fillings.
Coconut Steamed Bun
Adapted from Eina's Lovely Kitchen
100 ml lukewarm water / 100 gram /
ml air suam
50 g castor sugar / 50 gram gula
3 g 3/4 tsp yeast / 3 gram dry
yeast (3/4 sudu kecil)
1 tbsp shortening / 1 sudu besar
1 tbsp dough softner / 1 sudu besar
dough softener
1 tsp bread softner / 1 sudu kecil
bread softener
1/2 tsp baking powder / 1/2 sudu
kecil baking powder
Combine all ingredients in bread machine, follow in order lukewarm water, dry yeast, flour, baking powder, bread softner,sugar, dough softner and shortening. / Masukkan semua bahan-bahan ke dalam bread machine mengikut turutan, air suam, dry yeast, tepung gandum, baking powder, bread softener, gula castor, dough softener dan shortening.
Select "dough" and switch on / Pilih menu 'dough' dan on kan bread machine.
Remove dough from the machine nad allow dough to rest for 15 minutes. / Keluarkan doh dari Bread Machine setelah doh siap diuli dan direhatkan kali pertama lebih kurang selama 15 minit sahaja. Tidak perlu menunggu sehingga doh siap di uli sepenuhnya atau selama 1 1/2 jam.
Bahagikan doh kepada 10 bahagian.
Divide dough into small balls and add in the fillings / Masukkan inti kegemaran anda dan tutup kemas.
Place sealed dough on banana leaves and allow dough to rise for double the size / Letakkan di atas daun pisang / kertas A4 / cooking sheet. Biarkan naik 2 kali ganda.
Heat up steamer and steam dough for 10 minutes / Panaskan pengukus. Bila air telah mendidih, masukkan pau dan kukus selama 10 minit.
Remove and ready to serve / Angkat dan sedia untuk dihidangkan. Selamat Mencuba!
Coconut Fillings
¼ cup of water
A pinch of saltTo make the filling, in a pan combined water and palm sugar and bring it up to boil. Once sugar melted add in the grated coconut. Once the coconut is moist and shiny and all the water is absorbed, take it off the stove and set it aside to cool.
Memalam singgah sini...nak ngendeng pau pink ngan akak...:)
salam kak paty sedapnya steamed bun.. kat mana kak paty beli wooden steamer tu .. ?kat sini entahlah mungkin wani tak terjumpa lagi kot hihi
kak paty sedapnya inti kelapa..tengok warna inti gelap dah tau sedap...:)
Salam Paty's ...gebunya. Saya suka inti kelapa .
As'salam Kak Paty
Pink yang sungguh memikat hati ct kak. Pau lagilah kegemaran ct sentiasa. Nampak sangat lembut ditambah dengan inti kelapa..wallahhhh! sedapnyaaa..
Assalam kak Paty, bau daun kelapa alas pau tu mesti wangi..cantek jugek pink kalekn kan..
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