
Friday, December 03, 2010


Baby Kailan or Chinese Broccoli with oyster sauce is one of my favorite vegetables. One small plate in any Chinese restaurant will cost you RM8. Your cooking  cost at home is less then RM5. The famous recipes for Baby Kailan are Baby Kailan Ikan Masin, Baby Kailan Garlic and Baby Kailan With Oyster Sauce. I will normally cook with oyster sauce. My children will go for the oyster sauce leaving the kailan for me. Cooking Kailan is simple, wash the green vege, blanch and top up with the Oyster sauce. Cooking time is less than 15 minutes. Of course it goes well with any main dishes especially Chinese course.

1 handful of Baby Kailan (roughly about 20 stalks) / 1 cekak baby kailan anggaran lebih kurang 20 pokok,
3 clove of garlic, chopped/3 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk halus
3 tablespoons of light soy sauce/ 3 sdb kicap cair
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil/ 3 sdb minyak masak
Small pinch of salt and pepper/ lada sulah dan garam secukup rasa
3 teaspoon of sesame oil/ 3 sdb minyak bijan
3 tablespoons of oyster sauce/ 3 sdb sos tiram

1/2 cup shrimps (optional) / 1/2 cawan udang hidup - (pilihan)

Wash and soak whole leavy Kailan vegetables in lightly salted water for 15 minutes. Boil a medium pot of water over high flame. Add 1 teaspoon of oil (add more if your pot is large). Blanch Kailan in the boiling water for 1 - 2 minute, or once the leaves appear darker green in colour. Drain on a strainer and place nicely on a serving dish. /Bersihkan kailan, jangan dipotong biar sebatang-sebatang. Didihkan air , masukkan 1 sdt minyak, celurkan kailan lebih kurang 5 minit. Jangan lama nanti hilang kerangupannya. Toskan dan susun di atas pinggan hidang.

Heat wok with vegetable oil on medium heat, stir-fry shallot and garlic till fragrant and browned. Reduce heat to low fire when shallot and garlic are lightly browned to allow standing time. Add in shrimps Sprinkle salt and pepper, followed by light soy sauce and oyster sauce./Panaskan minyak, tumiskan bawang putih sehingga naik bau.  Kalau menggunakan udang hidup, masukkan udang hidup. Masukkan sos tiram, kicap cair,lada sulah dan garam secukup rasa. 

Heat off and immediately pour onto the vegetables. Top sesame oil./ Padamkan api dan curahkan sos di atas sayur yang dicelur tadi. Titikan minyak bijan.


Ini memang favorit saya, biasanya di Chinese Restuarant dia orang jual sepinggan kecil RM8 walhal modalnya tak berapa sangat, sayur kailan dan sos tiram aje. Buatnya tak berapa susah. Kadang-kadang tak berbaloi. Saya kalau buat menu ni di rumah habis di tuangnya sos tiram tu oleh anak-anak, tinggalkan sayur.  Anak-anak memang suka rasa sos tiramnya.

Sebenarnya seeloknya sayur ini dibiarkan kosong aje, tapi saya letakkan udang,, ialah nak umpan anak-anak makan.

Next Post - Stir Fried Asparagus with Straw Mushroom

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