This is one of the top Thai Food in Malaysia. Nasi Daging Merah what we called here in Malaysia stands among top 10 favorite. A one dish meal that is easy to prepare. The name Daging Merah or Red Beef do not refer to any red curry paste, in fact no curry paste was added in this recipe. Red here refer to the beef marinated with red coloring.
In this recipe oyster, tomato sauce, garlic and pepper form the main ingredients. And I have used beef, but it also works well on any meat, as well as shrimps, prawns and duck.
This is one of the easiest recipes to prepare and cook, and tastes delicious. Ideal as a snack or a main meal, I find that beef with garlic and pepper goes particularly well with any type of vegetables. You can use "kailan" broccoli etc. I used green bell pepper. Best served with some Thai Jasmine rice
, try to get some tender frying beef to improve the taste.
- 150 g beef fillet slice thinly / 150 g isi daging hiris nipis
- 1 tsp of ground pepper / 1 sdt serbuk lada hitam
- 1 tsp of finely chopped garlic / 1 sdt bawang putih cincang
- 1 tbsp of oyster sauce / 1 sdb sos tiram
- 1/2 tbsp of light soy sauce / 1/2 sdb kicap cair
- 1/2 tbsp tomato sauce / 1/2 sdb sos tomato
- 2 tbsp of vegetable oil / 2 sdb minyak masak
- 1 bell pepper, cut 1/2 " length / 1 biji cili benggala hijau hiris 1/2 "
- 1 spring onion cut length 1" / 1 tangkai daun bawang potong 1"
- 1 onion slice thinly / 1 biji bawang besar hiris memanjang
- ½ cup chicken stock / 1/2 cawan stok ayam
- Slice the beef into thin strips./ Hiris daging nipis-nipis
- Add the finely chopped garlic and ground pepper over the pieces of beef. / Satukan bawang putih dan lada dengan daging
- Mixed the ingredients into the beef so that each piece is coated. / Gaul rata
- Add the vegetable oil to the wok or pan, and turn to a medium high heat/ Panaskan minyak..
- When the pan is hot, add the beef to the pan. Stir the beef fast and add the oyster sauce, light soy sauce and seasoning to taste and continue stir./ Tumiskan daging, kacau dan masukkan sos tiram, sos tomato, kicap dan bahan perasa yang lain. terus kacau.
- Add slice spring onions, mixing everything together thoroughly./ Masukkan daun bawang, bawang besar dan cili benggala.
- Try to cook all about 3 minutes of cooking, the beef should be ready. / Masak selama 3 minit sehingga daging lembut.
- Turn off the stove and spoon on to serving plate / Padamkan api dan hidang..
- Serve immediately with hot streamed rice./Hidang bersama nasi panas.
Nasi Daging Merah adalah sajian top 10 masakan Thai di Malaysia. Boleh dikata semua restuaran Thai di Malaysia menyediakan sajian ini. Menariknya sajian ini ianya tidak mengandungi pes kari merah. Lazimnya setiap masakan Thai akan dinamakan mengikut pes kari yang digunakan, contohnya Kari Ayam Hijau menggunakan pes kari hijau, Kari Ayam Kuning menggunakan pes kari kuning ataupun Kari Ayam merah menggunakan pes kari merah. Nasi Daging merah ini tidak menggunakan pes kari langsung. Nama Nasi Daging Merah ini datangnya dari Daging yang diperap dengan perwarna merah. Bahan utama resipi ini ialah sos tiram dan sos tomato. Tidak pedas, tetapi sedap kerana kombinasi bawang putih, halia dan sos tiram serta sos tomato membangkitkan ras sajian ini. Untuk sayuran pula, anda boleh menggunakan apa-apa sayuran mengikut cita rasa masing-masing. Sedap dimakan bersama nasi panas.
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Saya suka your blog, byk resepi yg best2...
Tp i suggest u pakai background yg cerah and use dark color for ur fonts...also bold ur fonts..
I think, it would b easier to read... :)
- avoid using "cyan" color...it's too striking n bright
Salam, thanks for your comment. Akak baru aje changed background earlier was darker!!, nantilah Akak kena tunggu anak-anak balik U minta dia orang tolong. Tangan akak ni bahaya sedikit takut nanti hilang semua yang diformat
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