This Apam Cocoa is simple to make. All you need is to whisk or blend all the ingredients and steam. It tastes like any other chocolate cake, but a little bit moist. This recipe makes 15 pieces. I used the normal Chinese Tea Cups Mold. Recipe adapted from Ms Artsy Fartsy. Have fun decorating it.!!!
1/2 cup flour/ 1/2 cawan tepung
1/2 cup sugar / 1/2 cawan gula
1/2 cup condensed milk / 1/2 cawan susu pekat
1/2 cup oil / 1/2 cawan minyak
1/2 cup cocoa powder / 1/2 cawan serbuk koko
1/2 cup water / 1/2 cawan air
1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda / 1/2 sdt serbuk bicabonate soda
1 egg / 1 biji telur / 1 biji telur
- First, you mix the sugar with hot water
- then you add the condensed milk and stir it.
- add the eggs and stir it
- add in the flour and cocoa powder together; stir it of course
- and then you add in the corn oil and mix them all until it's all mixed properly
- place the mixed batter into small cups and steam it with slow fire or small fire
- (meaning not full blast) using a steamer of course...if you don't know what it is you can wiki or google it. Give it about 15 minutes and you're all set, your very own 'apam koko' / 'steamed cocoa cakes'.

Menarik tentang resipi ini, ia mudah dibuat dan sedap. Semua bahan yang digunakan disatukan dengan rata, dipukul atau diblend dan dikukus. Mudah. Bahan pun mudah dicari. Kalau ada tetamu emergency bolehlah buat Apam ini.
Rasanya memang sedap, seakan-akan kek cokalat yang lain, basah dan gebu.
Boleh dihias mengikut citarasa masing. Adunan ini boleh menyediakan lebih kurang 12 - 15 biji Apam. Untuk resipi ini saya menggunakan acuan lompang.
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I'd like to try this my friend. Thank you for sharing.
harap terima award dari saya..yee
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