This week was terribly busy week for me, with the conference, work and running errand for Tyca's University applications. The worse part of it this young lady is undecided between medical college and engineering. I have to move around getting advices from expert. I have not been in the kitchen for three days. The children managed their own "makan". It was only last night I got the chance to cook dinner. Running out of stock I made simple diner menu, - Capati and Sardine Curry.
Capati is an Indian flat bread served with a few types of side dish with it. Curry, dhaal, and kheema - egg, vegetarian, of meaty kheema. Curry Sardine is also fantastic with capati. If you are on a diet plan Capati is a good substitutes for rice. It's a healthy choice of food. So learn how to maka capati. Here's goes the recipe for capati and sardine curry. I managed to get a step by step "How To Make Capati" from the net which I believe will helps those trying to make capati the first time. Anyway it's simple with less ingredients.
- 300g atta flour
- 250ml cold water
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp oil or margarine or ghee

Add salt to sifted attar flour in a mixing bowl. Push flour to the sides of the bowl to make a hole in the centre. Pour in water and mix until flour does not stick to the sides of the bowl. Knead into a dough.
Form small balls from the dough. Rub oil or margarine or ghee on the pieces of dough. Cover with cling film wrap for 1-2 hours.
Flatten the dough
into a thin pancake and cook on a skillet until crispy.
To get a really soft capatis, the tricks lies in the kneading. The more you knead, the smoother the dough becomes and the smoother the dough is, the softer the Capatis. Another secret to soft capatis is using fresh yogurt or milk instead of water, to make the dough. When you are kneading the dough and it is smooth, wet your hand with water and run it all over the surfavr of the ball of dough. Cover with a damp cloth and set aside for half or one hour before using it.
Minggu yang teramat busy buat saya, tak terkejar dibuatnya, mana dengn konference, mana denga kerja dan mana dengan melayan anak-anak. Yang amat memening ialah Tyca sehingga hari ini belum buat keputusan, nak ceburi bidang apa, sekejap nak jadi doktor, sekejap engineer. sekejap accountant ooiii pening dibuatnya. urusan macam ni tidak boleh dipaksa-paksa nanti kebelakang hari kita yang disalahkan. Hajat hati biar la dia ambil jurusan perubatan, tapi sayang dia tidak berminat pula, jadi terpaksalah saya berkejar ke sana ke mari untuk dapatkan nasihat pakar. Itulah terlalu sibuk sehingga kan dapur tak berasap sudah tiga hari.
Malam semalam barulah ada peluang nak masak untuk dinner. Itu pun saya buat mudah aje, saya buat capati sebab itu sahaja stok yang ada. Bahan-bahan basah semuanya kehabisan, jadi capati dan kari sardine. Saya suka kombinasi ini, sedap!!!. Bagi yang pertama kali ingin mencuba saya sertakan gambar dari About Com, Step-by Step Tutorail Picture.
kak..tumpang bekpes....nyum..nyum..kopi ada tak?
Hai kak oh zila teringin nk wat capati ni..tq info
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