Good Morning Malaysia, back to breakfast menu again!!!!!.Today, I made Puri Bread With Potato Bhaji. It was yesterday dinner carried forward to breakfast. Puri is my favorite and I always prefer it hot.Making puri is just like making capati just need to understand the techniques. Unlike capati the dough of puri should be firmer, this helps the bread to puff up and not to consume so much oil. Well it's always practices made a perfect puri. Never give up if it does not work the first time. To be frank it is easy!!!Please refer to the picture tutorail to guide you. I got this from goofy_duck2004.
Here is a brief explanation on puri by wikipedia:-
Puri or poori or booris an unleavened Indian bread, commonly consumed in India, Pakistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and Nepal. It is consumed for breakfast, as a snack or light meal. Puri was derived from South India, and is a staple food for the malayalam community. Puri is most commonly served at breakfast. It is also served at special or ceremonial functions as part of ceremonial rituals along with other vegetarian food offered in prayer as prasadam. The name Puri comes from the Sanskrit word.
Nothing beats the old fashioned Puri and Potato bhaji for breakfast.It is best to make it at home rather then having it outside. You can have it hot and home made puri is much moist as compared to that in the restuarant. Here is the recipe adapted from 10 Bloggers. I learned to make puri just through the net. It's easy with simple ingredients.
Recipe for Making the Puri (serves 2-3)

2 cups atta flour
1 heaped tbsp semolina (rava)
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp oil
oil for deep frying
Process for making Puri :
Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Add warm water little by little to make a smooth but firm dough (firmer than regular roti dough). Let the dough relax for 30 minutes under a barely-damp towel in the covered bowl. Then take about a tablespoon of dough at a time, roll it into a thin circle (using some more atta to help in the rolling process), and deep fry for a few seconds on each side until the puri is puffed and golden. Drain well on some paper towels and serve hot.
Recipe for the potato bhaji (serves 2-3)
Ingredients for Patato Bhaji:Adapted from - 10 bloggers.
1 onion, sliced
3 large or 4 medium potatoes
2 chillies, chopped fine
5-6 curry leaves
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 wedge of lemon
2 tbsp cilantro, minced
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp mustard seeds
salt to taste
1 tsp oil
Process for making the Potato Bhaji:
1. Boil the potatoes. When they are cool enough to handle, peel them and chop into small cubes.
2. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan. Temper with cumin and mustard seeds.
3. Add the onion, chillies, asafoetida and curry leaves and saute till onions are lightly browned.
4. Add the salt, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder and stir to mix.
5. Add the potato cubes and stir well. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat. Sprinkle with lemon juice and cilantro.
7. (optional) You may add a half spoon of sugar depending on your taste.
Serve with puris.
* You can add yogurt or thairu if you prefer more gravy potato bhaji.

1 onion, sliced
3 large or 4 medium potatoes
2 chillies, chopped fine
5-6 curry leaves
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
1 wedge of lemon
2 tbsp cilantro, minced
1/2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp mustard seeds
salt to taste
1 tsp oil
Process for making the Potato Bhaji:
1. Boil the potatoes. When they are cool enough to handle, peel them and chop into small cubes.
2. Heat 1 tsp oil in a pan. Temper with cumin and mustard seeds.
3. Add the onion, chillies, asafoetida and curry leaves and saute till onions are lightly browned.
4. Add the salt, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder and stir to mix.
5. Add the potato cubes and stir well. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat. Sprinkle with lemon juice and cilantro.
7. (optional) You may add a half spoon of sugar depending on your taste.
Serve with puris.
* You can add yogurt or thairu if you prefer more gravy potato bhaji.
Asalamualaikum and SELAMAT PAGI MALAYSIA, harap semua sihat di pagi yang ceria ini. Hari ini menu breakfast saya ialah Roti Puri dan Potato Bhaji. Pagi semalam tak buat breakfast sebab anak-anak nak makan roti canai, hendak buat tidak sempat jadi bawa dia orang breakfast kat luar. Masa kat kedai roti canai terpandang puri, terasa teringin sangat-sangat, balik buat untuk dinner dan pagi ni sambung lagi puri ini. Satu ketika dulu saya ni memang hantu puri, suka sangat-sangat lebih-lebih lagi dalam bulan puasa, habis aje solat terawih pasti akan ke Restuarant Zubaidah, order puri dan teh halia, wajib tiap-tiap hari, tetapi sekarang dah kurang sedikit. Sekarang ni dah pandai buat sendiri, belajar melalui net.
Sebenarnya tidak susah membuatnya lebih mudah daripada membuat roti canai. Cara membuat puri ni sama aje membuat capati cuma beza antara puri dan capati ialah puri digoreng cara deep fry sehingga roti ini naik mengelombong dan kekuningan. Sedap makan panas-panas. Saya kurang berminat kalau puri ni dah sejuk, sebab itulah saya sekarang ini kurang makan puri di resturant kerana kebanyakkanya dah sejuk. buat sendiri makan panas-panas memanglah sedap.
Untuk lawannya, boleh dimakan dengan apa jua, kari ayam, dalca, kurma dan sebagainya tetapi yang paling best ialah dengan potato bhaji. Potato Bhaji boleh dibuat kering atau pun berkuah bergantung kepada citarasa masing-masing.
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