I took my daughter to a movie called the Green Hornet. In one of the scene a young gentleman, the butler prepared cappuccino using the latte art which prompt me to learn the technique. From there on I made my search on the techniques and found a few articles on making cappuccino at home. Here I wanna share with you the techniques that I learned, but before that just a few notes on Cappuccino,
Cappuccino is a favorite in coffee bars and cafés..Cappuccino has many definitions depending on where you are in the world. In Italy, it’s a beverage generally consumed first thing in the morning, and it’s espresso and steamed milk. In America the term has been used often to refer to something that’s a much foamier beverage than a latte.
Cappuccino is easy to prepare at home once you master the fine points of steaming and frothing. Always steam the milk before making the espresso. A cup of cappuccino should be about 150ml, containing one espresso coffee and equal parts of steamed milk and froth.

To make cappuccino at home, make a cup of espresso, and then make microfoam in a frothing pitcher starting with the same volume of milk as the cup of espresso. The milk should be frothed to double its original volume. Preheat a large ceramic cup (e.g., by pouring boiling water into it, and then draining it). Pour the espresso into the ceramic cup, and then pour the microfoam over it. If you like, you can sprinkle powdered or shaved chocolate or cinnamon on top of the finished drink.
Note that for cappuccino, the espresso is poured into the coffee cup first, and the microfoam is poured on top of the espresso. If you pour the two ingredients in the opposite order (i.e., if you pour the espresso into the microfoam), then technically, the drink is called a "macchiato," not a cappuccino.
A cup, which are traditionally six or seven ounces.
A steaming pitcher with cold milk in it.
1/3 cup of Espresso
Any kind of milk you like to use is fine.
Frothing Milk without cappuccino making machine. Some things that you would need to get the froth are Homogenized cold milk, a small saucepan and a loose wired whisk.
- First, fill half the saucepan with the cold milk
- Then, heat the saucepan with slightly higher than medium heat.You are going to want the majority of the milk to be froth, Steam to 150 ºF, If you prefer hotter, do not exceed 160 ºF. It is supposed to be a drink that can be enjoyed right away.
- Use the whisk, and begin to "beat" the milk. start slowly, you would see ,wide bubbles forming and as your "beating" increased, the bubbles will become smaller and more condensed.
- Whisk faster as the temperature increases and slowly you would noticed that the volume of the bubbles begin to swell.
- Take caution although the heat and the whisking are giving you the froth, do not allow the milk to boil -monitor the temperature carefully. If the milk boils, both your froth and taste will be ruined.
- After a while, take the saucepan away from the heat source and continue to whisk until the froth double its size. Now, your froth is ready.

Saya memang sudah lama teringin hendak mempelajari teknik membuat Cappuccino ni, tambah lagi sekarang kalau kita minum di cafe-cafe, Cappuccino akan dibuat dengan berbagai corak. Ini dinamakan teknik THE LATTE ART" . Memang suka tenguk, tetapi itu saya letak kemudian yang penting buat permulaan ini ialah mempelajari membuat cappuccino dahulu tanpa membeli machine cappuccino. Saya telah mencubanya beberapa kali tetapi masih belum mendapat hasil yang saya ingin, cuma dua tiga hari yang lepas, entah apa angin tiba-tiba terasa sangat diminum dan membuat cappuccino, jadi saya cubalagi entah lah dah hilang track entah kali ke berapa baru nampak hasilnya, tidak 100% tetapi udah mencapai 80%, insyallah lagi dua tiga cubaan seterusnya mungkin akan lebih cantik.
Apa yang penting dalam membuat cappuccino ialah cara "frothing" atau memanaskan susu sehingga berbuih naik wap. Susu tidak boleh terlalu panas. Susu harus menjadi lebih ringan sebelum dituang keatas kopi Espresso. Untuk sukatan susu kena 2/3 daripada cawan berbanding 1/3 daripada espresso. Cawan perlu di panaskan dahulu dengan menjiruskan cawan dengan air panas dan keringkan cawan. Bila susu sudah mencapai pada tahap yang sesuai baru dituang ke atas Espresso. Di sini juga memerlukan kemahiran jika kita ingin mencorakkan minuman kita. Biasanya corak yang dibuat ialah dalam bentuk daun pucuk paku atau bentuk hati. Oleh kerana saya masih lagi bertaktih-taktih saya cuma taburkan serbuk koko. Mungkin dalam entry akan datang saya akan masukkan Cappuccino yang bercorak. Insyallah. Sekarang ini tengah belajar melembutkan tangan.
Mudahkan!!!! tak payah bayar sampai 6-10 Ringgit untuk scawan cappuccino. Hasil tangan sendiri sudah cukup baik dan sudah tentu rasanya yang cukup memuaskan hati.. So ENJOY your drink.
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