
Sunday, June 17, 2012


Make Father's Day extra special for your Dad, since no words are enough to describe how much your dad means to you. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the GREAT DAD out there, from patyskitchen.blogspot,com. This is from me Pandan Layer Cake and Pasta With Breadcrumbs Chicken. have a nice weekend

These are the dishes that you can prepare for this special someone on this special day. Simple and great for small family gathering. I lost my dad when I was just 13 but the thought of him is always on my mind. and I always remind my children to wish their dad on this special day. So capture this special moment to celebrate someone that meant so much in your life.

To My Late Father in Loving Memory :-

How can I ever tell you what how much you mean to me?
When you are around the grass always seems to be green.
You lighten up my day with your smile that is so bright,
Thanks to you we might not even require the stars at night.
Cause the stars are right there into your eyes,
With a heart just as amazing, Abah you are so perfect.
Thank You and AlFatihah to you , my prayers to you and may you happy there.

Walaupun ramai yang mempertikaikan perayaan ini, bagi saya mudah, selagi ianya tidak menggugat akikah kita tiada salahnya meraikan HARI AYAH, tiada salahnya memperuntukan satu hari dalam 365  hari untuk meraikan orang yang bermakna didalam hidup kita. Rasanya anak-anak diseluruh dunia memperingati hari ini dengan meraikan ayah mereka dengan ucapan, hadiah dan makanan. Dan untuk kali ini saya menyediakan dua sajian yang cukup simple, Kek Pandan dan Breadcrumbs Chicken With Pasta. Mudah dan ringkas. Untuk resipinya sila lihat next entry. Untuk Papa, Daddy, Walid, Ayah, Abah dan apa pun panggilan untuk anda dari patyskitchen.blogspot. com. SELAMAT HARI BAPA dan selamat berhujung Minggu.


Amie said...

Saya setuju kak Paty, tak salah raikan hari bapa... kita tunjukkan penghargaan dan kasih sayang bukannya buat benda yang bertentangan dengan akidah, al-Fatihah buat Allahyarham ayahanda kakak, terharu baca...

Nazrah said...

Salam Kak Paty..selamat Hari Bapa juga.. kalau tak gini..kita akan alpa .. mereka juga perlu di hargai dan diraikan

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