There are two types of kuih talam...the chewy and non chewy. The Chinese kuih talam is more chewy then the malay kuih talam. This talam is a chewy version using lots of tapioco flour. Recipe adapted from Y3K cookbook with a slight tweak. You can use your creativity in getting your favourite layers and colouring. Perfect for breakfast and team.
Chewy Sago Layer Talam/Talam Lapis Sago
Colourful Coconut Layer / Lapisan Warna Warni
Ingredient A
150 g rice flour / 150 g tepung beras
270 g tapioca Flour / 270 g tepung ubi
250 ml concentrated coconut milk / 250 ml santan pekat
250 ml water /250 ml air
Ingredient B
240 g sugar / 240 g gula
500 ml diluted coconut milk / 500 ml santan cair
1 tsp salts / 1 sdt garam
1 blade pandan leaf / 1 helai daun pandan
Ingredient C - The Sago layer
100 ml diluted coconut milk /100 ml santan cair
125 g suga / 125 gila
1/2 tsp saalts / 1/2 sdt garam
- Mix (A) and sieve
- Pour (B) into a pot. Bring it to boil and pour into (A) and mix well
- Divide into 4 portions color 2 green, 1 white and 1 purple
- Mix the sago sago layer well and set aside
- Steam the first layer for 15 minutes then add in the sago layer steam again for another 10 minutes, add in the white layer and steam for 7 minutes and finally the purple layer and steam for 20-25 minutes. cool the kuih well before you cut.

Salam kak fatimah,
lembut je colour sago tu..umi suka makan tapi belum lagi rajin buta...
Salam Kak Paty :)
very kalerful.. but kalau buat mesti bdk2 tak mkn... so kena mkn kat rumah kat paty jer lah hehehe
OMG.. very lovely colour & wahat a successful layers... Kids love sago, shud try out this recipe..
cantik betul lapis2 tu..nk makan pun syg klu cmni..kihkih
rajinnya kak..byk btul lapisnya...saya??? jgn harap la nak rajin cam gini...hehehhe....kuih lapis2 la paling malas nak buat...kekekek
sedapnya pie apple...dulu pernah buat tapi terlebih masam..terus tak buat dah...kekekek...
cantiknye kakpaty..sure tastenye lg meletup kan kak..dapnyer!
Salam dipgi khmis kak paty...tabik la kak..mcm2 kuih talam ada kat dpur kak ni..maz je yg xbrapa rjin buat kuih talam ni...
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