Am not celebrating Christmas but I have an obligation to deliver this cake to a friend for his Christmas celebrations. I got the recipe from -, I made 1 1/2 batch to get the height of the cake. It turned out well but honestly I can't comment on the this is the first time am making it not for me for someone..ha..ha..but the way I looked at the confidence it is good and true enough my friend said it was good.
I covered the cake with white fondant and used the christmas theme colour red and green.
450 g butter /450 g mentega - I used golden churn
400 g brown sugar /400 gula
perang atau gula halus- ita guna gula perang
5 eggs large grade A / 5 biji telur
- grade A
600 g flour / 600 g tepung
1 tsp soda bicarbonate / 1 t1 sk
bicarbonate soda- ita letak baking powder
1 tsp cream of tartar / 1 sk cream
of tar-tar
1 tsp nutmeg powder / 1 sk serbuk
pala atau serbuk kayu manis- ita guna kulit kayu manis
450 g mix fruits - I dried it first / 450 g
buah2an campuran(mix fruits)
150 g slice almonds / 150 g
kekacang badam - cincang- ita tak letak
1 tsp fruits essence / 1 sk esen
buah2an atau oren atau vanilla - ita
letak oren
220 g graulated sugar /220 g gula
pasir - utk gula hangus
Sieve all the dried incredients and add in the mix fruits, set aside - / Ayak tepung,
baking powder, tatar dan serbuk kulit kayu manis dan gaul bersama buah2an
campur dan kekacang. Ketepikan.
Whisk butter and brown sugar till white and fluffy /Mentega dan
gula perang dipukul hingga kembang dgn mixer.
Add eggs one at one at a time / Masukkan
telur satu-persatu dan terus pukul.
Add essence / Masukkan
juga esen pilihan.
Slow the mixer and slowly add in the flour and fruit can use spatula here /Perlahankan
mixer dan masukkan campuran tepung sedikit2 hingga habis.
Add the same time caramalised he granulated sugar and pour into the batter. /Pada masa
yang sama,gula pasir di goreng hingga hangus atas api perlahan,matikan api dan
tuang kedlm campuran yang sedang diputar tadi dan gaul hingga sebati.
Combine till well blend . /Matikan
mixer dan kacau adunan dgn senduk supaya benar2 rata.
Steam for 4 hours / Kukus kek
selama 4 jam.
Note from the cook :-
Steam Cake at high fire for the first hours and lower to normal fire for the last three hours /
Saya kukus
dgn api kuat pd 1 jam pertama dan tukar pd api sederhana utk 3 jam
seterusnya.Buka alumfoil setelah masak dan sejukkan kek. Kalau saya
tak menggunakan kekacang, saya tambah gantikan dgn buah2an campuran lagi
menjadi 600 g.

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