Honestly this cheesecake will finish fast once you serve.The marble chocolate swirl on this cheese cake add flavour and made the cake stand out....Simply delicious
For The Base
200 g digestive biscuits / 2oo g biskut digestive
500 g ground almond / 500 g serbuk badam
The Filling
750 g cream cheese / 750 g krim keju
120 g caster sugar / 120 g gula caster
1 teaspoon vanilla extract/ 1 sdt esen vanilla
3 eggs / 3 biji telur
120 g white cooking chocolate / 120 g cokolat masakan putih
30 g corn flour / 30 g tepung jagung
300 ml UHT whipped cream / 300 ml UHT krim putar
1 (1 ounce) square unsweetened chocolate, melted / Chocolate hitam yang dicairkan
Marble Cheesecake Directions:
1. Combine crushed biscuits with almonds and melted butter; press onto bottom of a springform pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 minutes. "9" pan/ Satukan semua bahan crust dan tekan dalam acuan 9" inci...guna springform
2. Beat cheese and sugar until creamy. Add in melted white chocolate. Add in cream and vanilla and cornflour. Lastly add in egg. Pour batter in base set drizzle with melted dark chocolate. Bake or steam for 1 hour 15 miniutes. Off the oven and leave the cake with door closed for 30 minutes / Pukul krimcheese dan gula sehingga kembang. Masukkan chocolate putih. Masukkan krim, vanilla dan tepung jagung. Akhir sekali masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji. Tuangkan adunan dalam acuan dan corakkan marbled dengan menggunakan chocolate yang di cairkan. Buat corak marble. Bakar cara water bath selama 1 jam 15 minutes. Pdamkan api dan biarkan kek dalam oven selama 30 minit dengan oven bertutup
3. Remove cake from the oven and let the cake cool at room temperature. Refrigerate for

Selamat Mencuba.
Next Post - Moist Carrot Cake
As salam Kak Paty....
Sangat menggoda kek keju marble itew...teringin lak nak makan kek keju time ni...hihi
wow! dh lama tk datang sini...hehe sedapnya & sgt mengancam!!
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