
Saturday, October 27, 2012


This is a delightfully refreshing dessert. It’s light, soft, smooth yet firm, strong honeydew melon scent, a little tart & tangy. Recipe by Chef Jimmy Ang. ..quite unusual that people use honeydew in this cheesecake but I'll tell you it was heavenly scrumptious.This cheesecake is
 a perfect accompaniment for a hot summer garden BBQ party or for any sweet ending. Really....really awesome and you should try

1OOg crushed digestive biscuits / 100 G digistive biskut dihancurkan
80g butter, melted / 80 g mentega dicairkan
30 g toasted macadamia nuts crushed / 30 g macadamia nuts dipanggang dan dihancurkan

Mix all ingredients and pour into 8" round loose base mould. Chilled in fridge for 20 minutes / Campurkan semua bahan dan terap dalam acuan bulat berukuran 8" dan sejukkan di dalam fridge selama 20 minit.

For the Honeydew Puree

1/2 honeydew, curshed and strain the water set aside / 1/2 biji buat honeydew,
hancurkan tapis dan letak sebelah.

For The Boiled Sago
Boil water and add in the sago until transparent, strain and repeat the process for times
boiled and strain well / Masak air dan masukkan sago tapis dan ulang rebusan sago ini
sebanyak dua kali dan tapis dan letak sebelah.

For The Cheesecake
 250gm cream cheese (Kraft's Philadelphia ), softened / 250 krim cheese suhu bilik
 200 g whipping cream / 200 g krim putar 
  80 gm caster sugar / 80 g gula cater
  80 gm boiled sagov / 80 gm sago rebus
300 gm honeydew puree / 300 g puree honeydew
80 gm diced honey dew / 80 gm honeydew yang didadukan
100 ml water / 100 ml air
20 gm gelatin / 20 gm gelatin
1/2 tsp honeydew essence / 1/2 sdt esen honeydew
30 gm honey / 30 gm madu

Softened the gelatine powder in hot water for 10 minutes in a metal bowl till gelatine dissolved. / Satukan gelatin dengan air panas selama 10 minit dan kacau sehingga gelatine hancur.

Boiled honeydew puree with honeydew with 30 gm honey then add in gelatine mixture mix well./ Masak honeydew puri dengan 30 gm madu dan masukkan gelatine yang dicairkan tadi dan kacau rata.

Beat cream cheese with sugar till smooth. Add in honeydew essence and beat well. / Pukul krim cheese dan gula sehingga lembut dan masukkan esen honeydew.

  •      Beat the whipped cream till soft and fluffy / Pukul krim putar sehingga gebus.
  •    Finally, gently fold whipped cream into cheese mixture, the add in the honeydew puree./ Masukkan krim putar kedalam adunan cheese dan masukkan juga adunan honeydew dan sago
  •        Pour into the cake pan and chill in the fridge for 3 hours before decorating with the toppings.

       Serve chilled cheesecake with a dollop of fresh cream and fresh fruits like slices of kiwi or strawberry.

Ini ada no-bake cheese cake yang didingin bekukan dalam fridge. Kali ini saya menggunakan puree buah honey melon yang dikisar dan dijadikan puree dan sedikit didaukan, dimasak atas api kecil supaya kental sedikit. Sebenarnya ini adalah variasi chill cheesecake yang biasanya diperbuat dari lemon, mangga atau strawberry. Honeydew ini jarang digunakan tetapi cukup sedap bila dicampurkan dengan sago rebus...Resipi ilham dari Chef Jimmy  Ang ini memang mantap dijadikan sajian pencuci mulut.

Next Post - Macaron Fillings

1 comment:

JaSSNaNi said...

Akak... :)))))
sedapnya cheese kek tu...
dah ler nani penggemar tegar cheese.. :P huhh.. :) jelesss sangat2 tau...

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