I was looking for a coconut pandan muffins recipe and stumbled into CMG blog it looks nice and I've seen many bloggers had tried..so I decided to give a try. Pandan adds a subtle fragrance and flavor to theses muffins. They smell great, taste good and look pretty too! .
They aren't that sweet and the batter rises up and awesome with the coconut flakes on the top, which I love. These make a great morning treat and the colors are perfect. They are really easy to whip up too.
125 butter / 125 g mentega2 large size eggs / 2 biji telur gred A
80 g caster sugar / 80 g gula halus
150 g self raising flour / 150 g tepung berserbuk penaik
(self-raising flour)
30 g desiccated coconut / 30 g kelapa kering
1 tbsp coconut powder / 1 camca besar serbuk santan
1 tsp pandan paste / 1 camca teh pandan paste
Pinch of salts / Secubit garam
Desciccated coconut to sprinkle top /Sedikit kelapa kering untuk ditabur
- Heat ip the oven at 175 C and line the muffins pan. Combine all dry ingredients and set aside. / Panaskan oven pada suhu 175C, alas acuan muffin dengan paper cup atau guna muffin cup jenis keras. Satukan tepung berserbuk penaik dengan kelapa kering, serbuk santan dan secubit garam, gaul rata. Ketepikan.
- Whisk butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Add eggs one at aa time. Add in pandan paste. / Putar mentega dengan gula hingga kembang, masukkan telur satu persatu sambil terus memutar hingga putih. Masukkan pandan paste dan kacau rata.
- Perlahankan speed dan masuk tepung berselang seli dengan susu cair hingga selesai. Kacau rata. Sudukan 3/4 penuh ke dalam muffin cup tadi dan tabur sedikit kelapa kering atasnya. Bakar 25 - 30 minit atau hingga masak. Sejukkan atas jaringan sepenuhnya sebelum dihidang...../ Lower the speed ada flour and milk alternately till comple. Spoon 3/4 of the cup and bake for 25-30 minutes.

Next Post - White Chocolate Strawberry Cake
bleh agak bau harum kelapa tu kak Paty :))
ujan2 ni klu dpt seketul dua cicah air kopi pun sedap nih..
Hem..memang harum wan...
kalau dekat adda 1 dozen akak anta..ha..ha
kalau dekat adda 1 dozen akak anta..ha..ha
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