I feel honored, grateful and happy…I was recently given the stylish blogger award by the lovely Linda Kurniawan from thekitchenproduce.com.
It's very special to be recognized by a fellow blogger! A big thank you goes out to her!
Linda has a unique and fabulous blog, I admired her work and have been consistently following her blog.
If you haven't been to her blog do check this out thekitchenproduce.com
In order to fulfill the duties of this prestigious award I must:
- Make a post & link back to the person who awarded me this award.
- Share 7 things about myself.
- Award 10 recently discovered great bloggers.
- Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won!
7 Things About ME:
Apparently, have to divulge seven things about myself which is a little difficult since I don’t actually like talking about myself. I'm struggling to answer these 7 random facts about myself.!!!! However rules are rules and here's the 7 THINGS about me.
1. I''m a workaholic
2. I love reading - Management Books and Business Acumen Topics are my cup of tea
3.I am a stubborn diabetic patient, always ignored doctor's rules.
4.I am a eater and I love sweet treats, you can see that on my blog. Can't help it
5, I have this dream of setting up my own bistro and catering services - INSYALLAH in the pipeline now
6. I love music George Micheal -Careless Whisper and NEYO - One in A Million, are my favorites, both always accompanied me while driving
7. I have a serious sleeping problem INSOMNIA , so I will blog walking while everyone sleeps soundly
1. Ady Greatworld Kitchen - http://ady-adygreatsword.blogspot.com/
2. From My Lemony Kitchen - http://mykeuken.blogspot.com/
3. Girl Cook World - http://www.girlcooksworld.com/
4. Kitchen Confidante - http://kitchen-confidante.com/
5. Ya Salam Cooking - http://www.yasalamcooking.com/
6. Ilham Dapur - http://ilhamdapur.blogspot.com
7. HomeKreation - http://homekreation-recipes.blogspot.com/
8. Moonlight Rendezvous - http://moonlightnightsstarryskies.blogspot.com/
9. Evatoneva - http://evatoneva.com/
10Dunia Ku - http://mas-dapurmas.blogspot.com_
Salam semua, minggu lepas saya menerima LOVELY BLOGGER - YUMMY RECIPE AWARD dari Turkey, semalam ketika saya semak e-mail saya, saya terima lagi satu award, kali ini dari Sydney-Australia - STLISH BLOGGER AWARDS dikurniakan kepada saya oleh Linda Kurniawan atas minatnya pada keaslian kuih-muih dan masakan PATYSKITCHEN. - Syukur Alhamdulillah, amat terharu jugalah mendapat pengiktirafan dari kawan-kawan blogger yang menghargai kerja dan usaha kita. Seperti biasa saya syarat penerimaan award saya kena iktirafkan pula 10 lagi blogger yang saya ikuti dan minati. Sebenar susah membuat pemilihan ini tetapi peraturan harus diikuti. Pemilihan saya adalah berdasarkan keunikan blog dan juga sokongan yang diberikan oleh penghuni blog kepada saya.
Sebelum ini saya telah memanjang SISTERHOOD OF THE WORLD BLOGGER AWARD kepada 15 bloggers yang sering memberi sokongan kepada PATYSKITCHEN. Kepada yang belum mengambilnya jemputlah ya, ada yang sudah saya hubungi ada tidak dapat dihubungi, kepada yang tidak dapat dihubungi saya mohon maaf dan untuk memudahkan saya gantungkan SISTERHOOD OF THE WORLD BLOGGER AWARD si side bar saya. Jemput persila ambil ya.
Esok adalah hari special untuk semua IBU-IBU, jadi sempena HARI IBU ini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI IBU dan jadilah ibu mithali kepada anak-anak dan SEMOGA DIBERKATI SELALU.
Next Post - Steam Chocolate Bread Butter Pudding
Hello Paty, terima kaseh for your warm and kind gesture.
I appreciate it very much.
As well your warm thoughts at my pondok.
Once again, thank you.
You have a great week and happy Mother's day.
Keep a song in your heart.
Thanks Uncle Lee, I really love your words of wisdom. Really...really relevant, inspiring and what I love most is selalu kena "batang hidung" ...a good check mate if we happened to over look certain things in live. Keep up the good work, it made a lot difference in one's life.
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