
Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I got this from my maid. She made great AYAM BUMBU SERAI. Mine was not as good as her's Her's you can see the shredded lemongrass top to the chicken, mine I just don't know what happened I couldn't find the shredded lemongrass. She's no longer with us, I couldn't refer the short fall, any how the taste was there and  may be I need to try it again. The dish is fantastic. The chicken was marinated overnight and its was so tender and juicy. Goes along well with NASI LEMAK or any other dish. It can also be a one dish meal with may be chili sauce or Sambal Kitchen. Give a try you will definitely love this!!!!

1 whole chicken cut into 16, 12 or which ever sizes you prefer / 1 ekor ayam potong 16, 12 atau apa aje size yang anda suka
Sufficient oil for deep frying / Minyak secukupnya untuk menggoreng
2 coconut juice /2 biji air kelapa
3 bay leaves / 3 helai daun salam

For The Lemongrass Paste
3 tbsp coriander seed - fry without oil for 5 minutes*- sangrai
1 tbsp cumin seed - fry without oil for 5 miniutes* - sangrai
1 tbsp fennel seed - fry without oil for 5 minutes* - sangrai

Dry blend all ingredients and set aside/ Blend kering semua bahan dan letak sebelah.

To be blended
5 candlenuts / 5 biji buah keras
2 lemongrass / 2 batang serai
1" galangal / 1" lengkuas
2 onion / 2 biji bawang besar
3 cloves garlic / 3 ulas bawang putih
1" ginger / 1" halia.
2" turmeric root / 2" kunyit hidup

For the shredded Lemongrass
5-7 lemongrass shredded using vegetable shredded. Add this shredded lemongrass to the marinade chicken./ Parut serai ini dan masukkan ke dalam perapan ayam.

  1. Blend all ingredients into wet paste/ Blend semua bahan menjadi pes basah
  2. Combine the wet paste with the dry paste and spread over chicken./ Satukan bahan basah dengan bahan kering kisar tadi dan lumur atas ayam.
  3. Bring the coconut water to boil and add in the chicken and bay leaves.  Cook until chickens are done and till coconut water dry out/ Masak air kelapa dan masukkan ayam dan daun salam masak sehingga ayam empuk dan sehingga air kering.
  4. Marinade overnight./Perap semalaman.
  5. Heat up oil and fry chicken till brown. / Panaskan minyak dan goreng ayam sehingga kekuningan.

Ayam Goreng Bumbu Serai ini memang menjadi favorite keluarga. Saya belajar ini dari pembantu rumah saya, tapi sayang goreng saya ini kurang bumbunya. Bumbu Serai ini sepatutnya di taburkan ke atas ayam. Memanga sedap ayam ini sebab ayam diperap dengan bumbunya semalaman.
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