If this is the first time you heard about murtabak, here an explanation by Wikipedia :-
Martabak or
murtabak, also mutabbaq, (Arabic: مطبق)
is a stuffed pancake or pan-fried bread which is commonly found in Saudi Arabia
(especially the Hejaz region), Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia,Thailand, Singapore,
and Brunei. Depending on the location, the name and ingredients can
significantly vary. The name mutabbaq (or sometimes mutabbag) in Arabic means
In Malaysia,
where it is called "Murtabak", it is sold by Mamak salesmen, and
usually includes minced mutton, along with garlic, egg and onion, and is eaten
withcurry sauce. Murtabak also usually includes mutton in Yemen. In Indonesia,
particularly Jakarta, it is called "martabak", and has two versions:
a sweet one, and a savory one. Vegetarian murtabaks exist, too, and can be
found around Singapore's "Little India" neighborhood, among other
This is my breakfast today, yesterday I made some roti canai, I reserved some of the dough for this murtabak. I made the beef fillings and onion relish , somehow a "copycat" recipe from the Mamak Restuarant. The best murtabak I've eaten was the Singapore Murtabak and of course Penang Hameediah Murtabak. Really yummy. Not many like to make murtabak at home..since the mamak made the best murtabak it is usually more convenient to have it outside. It's quite taxing preparing the dough and inserting the filling inside the murtabak. Since I am an amateur cook I don't it the mamak's way I did it my way..I fried the fillings first, inserted the filling into the spread dough, parcel it up and fry..ha...ha...some cheating in action..anyhow the results turned out the same.!!!
Best serve with onions or cucumber relish.
Penang Murtabak's Special
For the Skin
Refer to my previous post - Roti Canai

200 gms
minced meat / 200 g daging kisar
2 tbsps ghee / 2 sdb ghee
2 lange red
onion - sliced fine / 2 biji bawang besar dicincang halus
3 cloves
garlic *pound / 3 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk
1" fresh ginger*pound / 1" halia ditumbuk
1/2 packet Baba's curry powder / 1/2 paket serbuk kari daging Baba's
2 tbsps
fresh coriander leaves - finely chopped / 2 sdb daun ketumbar cincang
3 eggs -
beaten / 3 biji telur dipukul sedikit
Salt and
pepper / garam dan lada secukup rasa
To make the
Mix pounded ingredients with curry powder to form wet paste / Campurkan serbuk kari dengan bahan tumbuk sehingga menjadi pes basah
Heat the
ghee and fry the onion until it is soft./ Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar yang dicincang sehingga layu
Add the wet paste continue to fry until the onion is golden brown./ Masukkan pes basah tadi dan goreng sehingga naik minyak
Put in the
meat and carry on frying, stirring constantly, add salts to taste continue frying until beefs are done. Add water if necessary/ Masukkan daging garam dan lada sulah secukup rasa dan terus masak sehingga daging empuk. Tambah air jika perlu
To assemble the Murtabak:
- Season the beaten eggs with salt and pepper and add in the chopped coriander leaves and sliced onions.-set aside in a small bowl./ Pukul telur, masukan garam, lada sulah, daun ketumbar dan bawang besar yang dihiris tadi,
- Add the fillings inside the eggs mixture and mix well/ Masukkan bahan inti dalam campuran telur tadi dan kacau rata.
- Fry the fillings like frying omelette. Cook both side. Set aside/ Goreng adunan telur tadi seperti membuat telur dadar - lihat gambar. Angkat dan letak sebelah
- On a smooth surface, spread a little oil from the bowl and flatten one of the dough balls with a rolling pin./Ambil adunan roti canai dan tebarkan
- Gently press with the fingers, spreading the dough until it is almost as thin as strudel pastry./ Tebar sehingga nipis
- Place the omelette in the center of the dough and fold every four angles (like folding parcel) to close the omelette completely / Letakkan inti yang digoreng tadi ditengah-tengah dan lipat empat penjuru seperti melipat hadiah, pastikan inti ditutup sepenuhnya.
- Heat the griddle and grease it lightly with ghee./ Panaskan kuali dengan ghee
- Fry the roti. Turn it over and cook the other side, spreading a little more ghee or oil on the griddle before putting it down. / Goreng roti, balikan dan goreng kedua belah bahagian.
- Cook until crisp and golden on both sides. / Goreng sehingga gareng
- Serve hot either on its own or with a onions pickles, cucumber pickles or curry and dhal/ Angkat dan hidang bersama jeruk bawang, timun, kari atau dhall

For the Onion Relish
1 onion thinly slice / 1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis
1 tbsp sugar / 1 sdb gula
pinch of salts / secubit garam
5 tbsp vinegar / 5 sdb cuka
a few drops red coloring / beberapa titik warna merah
Combine and mix all ingredients / Campurkan semua bahan
Berpeluh dibuatnya...cuba hendak buat cara mamak tetapi tak jadi..aleh-aleh saya goreng dulu intinya baru balut dengan doh roti canai dan goreng...ha...ha..jadi juga....kita amateur cook susah dan buat macam mamak. ditebarkan doh atas kuali kemudian diletakkan inti baru dilipat..semua atas kuali....kalau saya buat cara ini memang tak nampak rupa murtabak......Apa pun ini menu pagi tadi...semalam buat roti canai..larikan sedikit dohnya untuk buat murtabak ini...inti buat petang semalam pagi tadi baru proses rotinya. memang seksa!!!!tapi sedap...membuat berpeluh..makan pun berpeluh...berpeluh sedap. Best Murtabak tentunya Murtabak Singapore dan Penang, favourite saya ialah Hameedia Restuarant di Penang Road Penang. Resturant ini dah beroperasi berpuluh tahun...kalau hendak murtabak di sanalah saya pergi..memang sedap.
Selamat Menjamu Selera dengan Murtabak Patyskitchen
Next Post - Laksa Kelatan
Tabik la kak...rajin sungguh.Kita buat murtabak guna kulit roti pratha je...
Salam Puan Rose..kebetulan ada bahan
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