Salad ni kalau makan di luar memang mahal. Biasa dihidang di cafe atau deli. Bahan yang diguna taklah mahal tapi sudah menjadi sajian restaurant maka jadilah mahal.Saya lebih suke dressing yang simple aje..tidak menggunakan creamy dressing yang masukkan telur mentah. Saya olahkan sedikit mengikut selera kita. Sebenarya salad ini simple aje..masukkan salad dan highlightnya ialah crouton...roti perancis yang didadu dan dibakar. Oleh kerana ada banyak baha dirumah..saya masukkan juga timun dan tomato ceri serta saya parutkan ceddar cheese. Makanan sihat dan sesuai untuk yang ingin ber diet.
1 baguette, preferably a day old, sliced thin / roti perancis yang 1 hari saya dadu dan bakar untuk jadikan crouton
4 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated / 4 oz parmesan cheese saya guna cheddar aje
2 eggs boiled and quartered / 2 biji telur rebus dan belah empat
4-6 small heads of romaine lettuce, rinsed, patted dry, wilted outer
leaves discarded / 4 -6 genggam salad..bersih dan siat-siatkan
7 cherry tomato / 7 biji ceri tomato
1 cucumber cut into ring / 1 biji timun dihiris bulat.
For the Dressing
1/2 cup high quality extra virgin olive oil / 1/2 cawan minyak zAaton
4 cloves fresh garlic, peeled, smashed, then minced/4 ulas bawang putih dicincang
Freshly ground black pepper (1/4 teaspoon or to taste) / sedikit lada hitam
1/2 teaspoon salt / garam secukup rasa
1/4 cup freshly juiced lemon juice (plus more to taste)/ 1/4 cawan jus lemon
In a very large bowl, whisk together the olive oil and garlic. Let
sit for half an hour. / Dalam mangkuk masukkan minyak zaiton dan bawang putih cincang dan biarkan setengah jam.
Add salt and pepper and 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Whisk in half of the
Parmesan cheese. Taste, add more lemon juice to taste. The lemon should give an
edge to the dressing, but not overwhelm it. / Masukkan jus lemon dan garam. Masukkan juga parmesan dan rasa.
Using your hands, tear off chunks of lettuce from the heads of
lettuce (do not use a knife to cut). Add to the oil mixture and toss until
coated. Add the rest of the Parmesan cheese, toss. / dalam pingan hidang susun salad, tomato, timun dan telur. parutkan cheddar cheese atas.
Coarsely chop the toasted bread and add (with the crumbs from the
chopping) to the salad. Toss. Serve immediately./ taburkan roti perancis yang dibakar. Siap untuk dihidang.
1 baguette, preferably a day old, sliced thin / roti perancis yang 1 hari saya dadu dan bakar untuk jadikan crouton
4 ounces Parmesan cheese, grated / 4 oz parmesan cheese saya guna cheddar aje
2 eggs boiled and quartered / 2 biji telur rebus dan belah empat

7 cherry tomato / 7 biji ceri tomato
1 cucumber cut into ring / 1 biji timun dihiris bulat.
For the Dressing
1/2 cup high quality extra virgin olive oil / 1/2 cawan minyak zAaton
4 cloves fresh garlic, peeled, smashed, then minced/4 ulas bawang putih dicincang
Freshly ground black pepper (1/4 teaspoon or to taste) / sedikit lada hitam
1/2 teaspoon salt / garam secukup rasa
1/4 cup freshly juiced lemon juice (plus more to taste)/ 1/4 cawan jus lemon
In a very large bowl, whisk together the olive oil and garlic. Let
sit for half an hour. / Dalam mangkuk masukkan minyak zaiton dan bawang putih cincang dan biarkan setengah jam.
Add salt and pepper and 1/4 cup of lemon juice. Whisk in half of the
Parmesan cheese. Taste, add more lemon juice to taste. The lemon should give an
edge to the dressing, but not overwhelm it. / Masukkan jus lemon dan garam. Masukkan juga parmesan dan rasa.
Using your hands, tear off chunks of lettuce from the heads of
lettuce (do not use a knife to cut). Add to the oil mixture and toss until
coated. Add the rest of the Parmesan cheese, toss. / dalam pingan hidang susun salad, tomato, timun dan telur. parutkan cheddar cheese atas.
Coarsely chop the toasted bread and add (with the crumbs from the
chopping) to the salad. Toss. Serve immediately./ taburkan roti perancis yang dibakar. Siap untuk dihidang.
© PATYSKITCHEN. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write
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