You don't have to be in Hokkaido to have a taste of this cake. Honestly don't ask me as how it got it's name, this is simply a mini chiffon cake filled with custard. It's absolutely delicious...soft...silky and awesome. I have illustrated a step by step process which will assist. Try this cake which was once very popular in Taiwan,
Hokkaido Cake - Adapted by Jimmy Ang
For The Custard Fillings
For the Hokkaido Cake
500 ml fresh milk
100 g sugar
4 nos orange zest
4 nos egg yolk
60 g custard powder
30 g butter
10 g gelatine
80 ml water
100 ml whip cream
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
Boil milk, orange zest and vanilla
Mix together egg yolk,sugar and custard
Then add mixture into boiled milk and keep stirring until a thick cream add in gelatine and butter. Mix well
Pour out to cool. Cover with plastic sheet and keep in the fridge for 40 minutes
Whist cool custard until smooth then fold in whip cream until well combine
For the Cake
6o g melted butter
80 g plain flour
100 ml fresh milk
1 nos egg
5 nos egg yolk
5 nos egg white
90 g caster sugar
1/4 tsp salts
Melt butter with fresh milk, then fold in flour. Mix well then fold in whole eggs and egg yolk. Mix till smooth paste set aside
Whisk egg white with salt and 30 g of sugar until soft and peak. Then add in the rest of the sugar
Slowly fold in a bit of egg white into yolk mixture. Then pour over to white mixture and mix well
Bake at 170 for 20 -30 minutes
Allow to cool and later pipe in the filling
Next Post- Double Cheese Delight Bun
askum kak paty...rindunya ngam akak..lama ina tk BW...nk jgk 1 biji hokkaido cake...
Assalam kak sungguh cun melecun heheeh kita pun beli kotak biru tu ingat nak buat chiffon jugak
wowww jauh nya datang kek ni yer..Ahaksss..nak seketul dua bleh?
Salam kak Paty :)
hehehe kite pun nak pegi jgk kat Hokkaido :)
Blm terbuat2 lagi cake yg satu ketika dulu femes lagi fufular :)
wow...what a superb cake !!!looks delicious !!!!!
aslmkm kak...lama x dtg beli kuih akk..kikikk..pernah 2 x buat hokkaido ni tp panas2 dah ngap xde nak posing hape..mulut banyak kt rumah ni..hihi
Salam kak,kek ni ade jgak kan inti kat dlm yg jual kat klcc tu ?mcm kek ni lah rupe dia dlm papercup tu...
Salam Ina..patut lah akak tak nampak gi mana...senyap aje
Salam Chik Mimi..kita ikyt trend orang buat aje..kita pun buat
Salam Adda..hem nama Hokkaido tetapi femes kat Taowan..jangan tanya lebih akak tak tahu
Salam Mama Hawa..tylah ya pelik...Hojaido Jepun tetapi kek ni meletup kat Taiwan
Ya Only Fishes it is delicious with custard filling inside
Salam Anna..tulah biz akak merosot cikit sebab anna Tak datang..ha..ha
Salam Sury ya kek ini dibakar dalam paper cup dan dalam ada inti custad.
Such a nice blog. I really enjoyed reading it.
bars in Singapore
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