This is one of my favourite noodles. Hailam Mee comes with two version the wet and the dried. This is the wet version with slightly thick gravy. Serve best with green chili pickles.
Hailam Noodles /Mee Hailam
I packet fresh noodles – egg noodles
300 g Beef fillet ~ sliced thinly, boil for 10 minutes and keep the stock
1 packet fish balls.
100 g shmrip shell and devined
5 garlic – pound/ground
1 tbsp thick soy sauce
5 tbsp ligh soy sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with water ~ to thicken the gravy
Oil for cooking
Heat the oil and fry the shrimps for 5 minutes until it change colour.
Add in the beef fillets and fish cake. Fry for about 3 minutes.

Add the seasoning and stir well.
Finally add the noodles and green mustard.
Pour in the cornflour mixture to thicken the gravy.
Garnish with chopped spring onions and fried onions. And serve with green chili pickles
Next Post - Banana Leaf Lunch with Indian Style Fried Cabbage.
salam kak paty ^^ tun dh lama x makan mee hailam. suka yg byk kuah jugak ^^
mengeliurkan tengok mee hailam akak tu...
makan tengah panas2..
memang best...
lamanya xmakan mee hailam...adlast mkn pun umh kawan smbut berday ank dia tahun lepas...sbb kdg2 makan mee hailam ni kena mee dia pahit tu..adoiii terus hilang selera..
wow! geram tengok mee hailam tu...meriah sungguh!
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