If you love curry puff or pie you will sure love this. This chicken pasties is easy to make and perfect for on the go...picnic or even mini functions. You can make it spicy or mild depending mostly on your preferences.Filling can be made a early or a head of time. I love this for tea.
Chicken Pasties
Source : Jimmy Ang
For The Pastry
250 g plain flour
130 g butter
1 egg
a pinch of salts
60 ml milk /water
1/2tsp type
To Make the Pastry if you have a food processor: (this is
the best way to make the pastry, since touching the dough is what causes it to
lose its flakiness): Place all pastry ingredients together in your processor
and blitz until the mixture looks like course oatmeal.
Using your hands, make a ball of dough out of the mixture,
gently packing it together and handling it as little as possible (do not kneed
it). If it feels too wet, add a little more flour; if too dry (falling apart),
add a little more water.
Place in a plastic bag or wrap and leave in the refrigerator
while you make the filling.
If you don't have a food processor: Use a knife and fork to
cut the butter into the flour and salt until you have small butter pieces.
Next, "rub" the pieces of butter between your fingers in the flour
until the mixture resembles course oatmeat.
Add 1/3 cup water and stir with a spoon to create a dough.
Add a little more water if needed until the dough easily becomes a ball in your
hands when packed together. If it's too dry (falling apart), add a little more
water; if too wet, add a little more flour. Place in a plastic bag or wrap and
leave in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling.
For The Filling
1oo g minced chicken
100 g ground almond
1oog bread crumbs
400 ml uht cream
2 egg yolks
1 whole eggs
salts and pepper
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp sage
1 onion dice
Heat up oil and saute onion till brown
Blend minced chicken, almond eggs breadcrumbs cream onin and spices to taste.
Mix well and insert a in the pipping bag.
To Assemble.
Roll the pastry..use cookies cutter and cut the pasties. Insert in a pasties mold.Spoon the filling into the middle of each circle. Brush the edges of the pastry with a little milk, then bring them up to the middle, pinching at the top to make a pasty. Brush with a little milk, then bake for 15 mins or until golden.

Sajian ini memang sesuailah buat minum petang. kalauyang suka karipap atau mini pie anda pasti suka ini cara membuatnya pun lebih kurang sama. Tetapi intinya menggunakan susu cream UHT...untukkulitnya pula sya masukkkan sedikit tyhme. Remph-rempah sebegini mengharumkan lagi bau pasties ini.
Next Post American Brownies
kak paty.. sedapnyer!!! mcm chicken pie ye..
salam kak paty..apa kabar?Lama atie x ziarah akak.Terima kasih kerana sudi gak akak menitipkn msj di n3 atie...tp atie br ni sempat singgah ke umah akak yg cantrik ni.
Emmmm..sedapnya bau chicken pasties ni sampai kesini sampai.hihi
Byk tangan yg membantu..buat kerja pon sonok kan kak..
Assalamualaikum akak...
nampak cantik chicken pasties tu ... sedapnya tu...
Assalamualaikum akak...
nampak cantik chicken pasties tu ... sedapnya tu...
Salam Paty. Looks delicious. Nak try buat. Thnx for the recipe.
Salam Paty...bestnya brownie tu sebab ada cream hehe dah terasa nak buat juga n your pastie pun nice.
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