Have a day or two days old French Loaf that you don't know what to do with it. Try this....it is easy to prepare and what makes it so perfect is that most, if not all, of the ingredients you will already have in your cupboards, things like milk, cream, sugar and eggs. Serve this dessert in pretty bowls with a large dollop of whipped cream and a stemmed maraschino cherry on top, there is no better way to end a meal.
This steam pudding is an individual version of bread pudding that you steam instead of bake, use individual small ramekins, it look's lovely and most important this recipe cater for a small group of people. May a table for two or a table for three kind of dinning
6 slices of cut French loaf cut into small cubes / 6 hiris roti Peranchis potong kepada kube-kube kecil
2 eggs / 2 biji telur
1 tsp vanilla essence / 1 sdt esen vanilla
1/2 cup fine sugar / 1/2 cawan gula halus
2 cups evaporated milk / 2 cawan susu cair
6 pieces dates thinly slice / 6 biji buah tamar dihiris nipis
3 tbsp dried mixed fruits / 3 sdb buah-buahan kering
- Preheat steammer/ Panaskan kukusan
- Cut the bread into 1⁄4- to 1⁄2-inch cubes. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of bread cubes into each ramekins set aside./Hiris roti kepada kube-kube kecil dan masukkan dalam acuan
- Meanwhile, beat the eggs in a bowl, then whisk in the sugar until the mixture is lemon-colored, about 1 minute. Add in milk./ Pukul telur dan gula. Masukkan susu dan kacau rata. Masukkan esen vanila.
- Pour mixture over the bread / Curah adunan telur ke dalam roti dan kukus selama 15-20 minit.
- Scatter dried mix fruits and sliced dates. over the bread in each cup/ Taburkan hirisan kurma dan buah-buahan kering
- Steam 20 to 25 minutes, or until the puddings rise and cook. Let pan cool on a rack for 5 minutes (the mixture will fall slightly), then loosen the edges with a knife. Lift the puddings onto plates and garnish with your favorite chocolate sauce or whipped cream if you like./ Kukus selama 20-25.

Mempunyai roti yang berusia sehari atau dua yang anda tidak tahu nak dibuat apa?????Cuba resipi ini, mudah dan senang menyediakan. Resipi ini adalah sebenarnya resipi pudding roti versi kukus dan sesuai untuk adunan yang kecil aje untuk 2 atau tiga orang sahaja
Paling sesuai guna buah-buahan koktail tetapi saya tidak mempunyai stok saya gunaka hirisan buah tamar dan campuran buah-buahan kering. Sesuai diletakkan sedikit krim putar atau krim kastard.
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