Look at that !!!!, a mouthwatering soup that I love for breakfast. In fact this is one of my favorite lentil and chickpeas soups outside of one I had in Moroccon many years ago now. There are thousands of "Moroccan" Lentil Soup recipes out there; especially on the internet
and there are a few variations, but this is one of the best soups I've had in ages!
The recipe
below will serve 6 to 8 people, and follows the pressure cooker method. This hearty Moroccan soup which is fragrant, earthy, colourful, with a hint of saffron makes it exotic. Best serve with crusted bread...baguette will definitely be great...so enjot this hearty soups for breakfast.
2 cups cooked chickpeas / 2 cawan kacang kuda rebus
tablespoons olive oil / 3 sdb minyak zaiton
250 g minced lamb / 250 g daging kambing kisar
3/4 teaspoon
salt / 3/4 sdt garam
1/4 teaspoon
freshly ground black pepper / 1/4 sdt lada hitam tumbuk
1 cup diced
onions / 1 cawan bawang besar cincang
1/2 cup
diced celery / 1/2 cawan celery cincang
2 teaspoons
ground ginger / 2 sdt halia parut
2 teaspoons
turmeric / 2 sdt serbuk kunyit
1 teaspoon
ground cinnamon / 1 sdt serbuk kayu manis
1/2 teaspoon
ground nutmeg / 1/2 sdt serbuk pala
1 cup diced tomatoes and their juices / 1 cawan tomato cincang
1 cup tomato soup - I used HEINZ/ 1 cawan sup tomato HEINZ
1.5 litre rich chicken stock /1.5 litre stok ayam
1 cup cooked green lentils / 1 cawan dhal rebus
1 cup cooked pasta / 1 cawan pasta masak
1/2 cup
chopped fresh cilantro leaves / 1/2 cawan daun ketumbar cincang
tablespoons chopped fresh parsley leaves / 2 sdb daun pasley cincang
2 teaspoons
fresh lemon juice/ 2 sdt jus lemon
2 tbsp flour /2 sdb tepung
5 threads of saffrons / 5 urai koma-koma
sprigs, for garnishing / daun ketumbar untuk hiasan
In large heavy
saucepan or dutch oven, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in onion and celery
and cook, covered, for 7-10 minutes or until onion is tender add in minced lamb stirring
cinnamon, turmeric, salt, pepper, ginger, hot pepper sauce and saffron. Cook,
stirring, for 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, lentils, chickpeas, tomato soup and broth. Bring to
boil, reduce heat, and simmer, covered, for about 40 minutes or until lentils
are tender.
Stir in pasta and simmer, covered, about 7 minutes longer or until noddles are just
tender. In bowl, whisk flour, and 1 cup water until smooth. Whisk flour mixture
into soup and simmer, stirring often, for 2-4 minutes or until soup is
thickened and no raw flour taste remains.
Stir in half
of the parsley and cilantro, and all of the lemon juice. Taste and adjust
seasoning, adding up to 1/2 tsp more salt if needed. Garnish with remaining
parsley and cilantro.
Ini pukulan OMBAK RINDU la...temankan budak-budak ni tenguk wayang ombak rindu...saya beli dua tiga paket kacang kuda rebus...aleh..aleh tak termakan...jadi saya terus cari kambing kisar nak buat sup Magribi ni..kalau ingat kacang kuda ini biasanya saya akan teringat sup ini. Ini memang favourite saya paling suka saya buat dalam bulan Ramadanla...macam bubur lambuk Malaysia..di Magribi dia orang paling suka buka puasa dengan sup ini. Terdapat berbagai jenis dan berbagai warna... paling sedap kalau ada koma-koma aka saffron lagi wangi dan sedap.
Sedap makan dengan baguette atau roti keras. Ooi...mak ai cuaca hujan begini memang sedap hirup sup ni...boleh dikatakan ala-ala stew pun ada. So akibat dari pukulan OMBAK RINDU maka kami anak beranak terdapar di Mari=gribi..so jemputla sarapan ala Moroccon saya.
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Askum Kak Patty..pandainya akak masak...1st time ina dgr menu mcm nie..kalau tkr daging kambing kpd daging lembu boleh ke? agak2 ok tk?
tgk makanan...semua nk cuba...uhuhuhu
Sedap ni Ina..akak memang suka....daging lembu pun boleh akak saje nak panaskan badan ambik kambinglah..deman belum kebah lagi..biar daging lepas tu menendang macam kambing...cubala..pandai2 adjust tomato...ikut selera masing-masing ya!!!
waaaa...tgk wekend nt mcm mana...kdg2 tue terpk nk msk lain..then termasak benda lain...adeh2..psl ina mmg tk leh mkn kambing...terus pening...tk tahan gamaknya...
Salam Ina, akak pun jarang masak kambing dah demam ni rasa nak panaskan badan jadi akak masukkan kambing kisar...biar lepas nie boleh menendang..kah...kah..
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