
Monday, February 28, 2011


I prepared this creamy soup to compliment the Crispy Fish Fillet. This dish is very nutritious and if you have children who refuse to take vegetables, let them take this soup. They won't realize the existence of the celery. Very tasty and delicious. Recipe adapted from Martha Stewart TV Show. Celery potatoes are pureed together and gives out an aromatic flavor which is truly delicious. The name itself is creamy, but the recipe contains no cream,  the addition of potatoes adds substance and creaminess to the soup. Enjoy this soup .

2 tbsp butter
12 - 15 stalks celery cut crosswise
1/2 cup chopped chicken fillet
1 medium onion coarsely chopped
3 -4 potatoes cut into cubes
1 -2 tbsp fresh lemon juice.

  1. Heat butter in a large (4-quart) saucepan over medium heat. Add celery, onion, and potato; and chicken, season with salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables and chicken begin to soften, 8 to 10 minutes.
  2. Add 6 cups water to saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium, and simmer until vegetables and chicken are very tender, about 20 minutes.Working in batches, puree soup until smooth. (To prevent splattering, fill blender only halfway, and allow the heat to escape: 
  3. Remove cap from hole in lid; cover lid with a dish towel, holding down firmly while blending.) Return soup to pan; stir in lemon juice, and season with salt. Serve, garnished with celery leaves.


Saya buat sup ini untuk dimakan bersama Fillet Ikan Ranggup. Kepada yang sedang ber- diet jangan takut dengan perkataan Creamy. Sebenarnya resipi ini tidak menggunakan sebarang krim langsung. Perkataan Creamy itu merujuk kepada puree yang dihasilkan apabila ubi kentang dan celery diblend sehingga hancur. Sesuai makan dengan roti dan merupakan satu cara untuk menggalakkan anak-anak memakan sayur ini kerana campuran kedua bahan ini membuat anak-anak anda tidak akan sedar akan wujudnya sayur dalam sup ini. Memang sedap. Resipi ini saya ambil dari program Martha Stewart. SELAMAT MENCUBA.


Next Post - Talam Marble Gula Merah


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