
Sunday, February 13, 2011


I loved this soup. It is simple and tasty. I made two version of wanton half I deep fried and half I used the raw wanton. The best part of this I made a short to my wanton. Instead of using fresh shrimp or fish I stuffed the ready made fish ball and tied with screw pine leave like a pouch bag. (see picture below), add in some potatoes and vegetables to the sup, wola.....fantastic for slurping. Try this, you will love this dish.

Ingredients for wanton
20 wanton wrappers / 30 keping kulit wanton
20 fish ball / 20 biji bebola ikan
screw pine leaves / Daun pandan yang disiat-siatkan.

Place a wanton wrapper on your palm and put about 1 fish ball in the center of the wanton wrapper. Wet the edges and gather the corners of the wrapper with the other hand and give it a twist in the middle to “close” the wanton. Tie with shredded screpine leaves. Repeat until the filling is used up./ Letakkan bebola ikan ditengah-tengah kulit wantan. Ponjutkan dan ikat denga daun padan.

Ingredients for Soup
3 potatoes quartered / 3 biji ubi kentang belah empat
7- 8 cherry tomatoes / 7-8 biji tomato ceri
1 cup shredded cabbage / 1 cawan kobis dihiris halus
2 sprig spring onion cut into 1" / 2 tangkai daun bawang potong 1 "
1.5 litre chicken stock / 1.5 litre stok ayam
1 tbsp chopped garlic / 1 sdb bawang putih cincang
2 tbsp oil / 2 sdb minyak
1 tbsp sesame oil / 1 sdb minyak bijan
Salt and pepper to taste / garam dan lada secukup rasa

  1. In a saucepan, heat up oil and saute chopped garlic till fragrant. Add in the stock to a boil and add in potatoes and cook until potatoes are tender. Add in the cabbage and check seasoning./ Panaskan periuk tumis bawang putih sehingga naik baunya. Masukkan stok dan ubi kentang dan reneh sehingga ubi empuk. Masukkan kobis, dan garam lada sulah secukup rasa. 
  2. Finally add in wanton, cherry tomatoes and spring onion. - I used half fried wanton and half raw. You can fried the wanton first if you like to have a crispy wanton or a dumpling wanton. All depends on preference./ Masukkan wanton, tomato dan daun bawang. Kalau suka gorengkan setangah wanton dan setengah biar begitu aje.
  3. Add in the sesame oil / Msukkan minyak bijan.
  4. Transfer to bowls and serve warm with chopped spring onions and fried shallots./ Padamkan api, masukkan ke dalam mangkok sup dan hias dengan daun bawang dan bawang goreng.

Satu lagi sajian sup Cina yang terkenal. Saya memang suka sup ini sedap buat menghirup dan ratah-ratah. Untuk kali ini wantonnya saya buat short cut. Saya gunakkan bebola ikan yang sudah siap diponjutkan ke dalam kulit wanton, ikat dengan daun pandan. Anda boleh juga menggorengkan separuh dari wanton ini kalau rasa nak wanton yang garing. Dalam resipi ini saya goreng separuh dan separuh lagi saya biar begitu aje, buat macam dumpling. Pilihan sayuran juga bergantung kepada citarasa masing-masing antara sayuran yang boleh digunakan ialah Bok Choy.

Next post Salted fish Fried rice


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