One of the great Chinese and Thai restaurant dishes is a whole fish crispy-fried and then served with sweet-and-sour sauce. It is a dramatic presentation and the combination of sweet-sour-hot-savory can't be beat. I developed this easy-to-make home recipe and it is as good as any restaurant version. I get the sweet and sour taste from the's marvellous..and for you who love something hot then add some bird's eyes creat wonders. This dish is best serve as main dish with rice and other dishes.
Siakap 3 Rasa/3 Taste Seabass
1 seabass - clean and ried
3 chopped
green onions
A 1-inch
piece of finely chopped, peeled ginger
5 clove garlic - chopped
1 cup finely chopped pineapple
5 T. water
5 T. tomato
sauce or catsup
3 T. sugar
1 T. vinegar
3 tbsp chili paste
1 T. soy
1 1/2 t.
corn starch
1 T finely
chopped cilantro
1 T. finely
chopped green onions or chives
4 cups
peanut or vegetable oil
2 cups flour
for dredging
Prepare the
fish. Cut off the fins of each fish with kitchen shears or scissors. Remove the
gills of the fish if they are still attached by cutting them out with the
kitchen shears. Make three vertical slices along each side of the fish evenly
spaced along its length. If you have a long fish, make four slices. Rinse the
fish under cold water and pat dry.
Prepare the
vegetables. Julienne the 3-inch piece of ginger. Keep in mind 3 inches is a
guideline, so the ginger can be a bit larger or smaller. Cut the ginger into a
rectangle, then slice it into thin rectangles about 1/8 inch thick. Then slice
these thin rectangles into very thin strips -- as thin as you can make them.
Slice the
1/2 onion into very thin half-moons.
Slice the
garlic cloves as thinly as you can along the long side of the clove to make long
Heat up oil saute ginger and garlic, add in the chili paste and saute until fragrant
Make the
sauce. Mix the tomato sauce -- I use pureed tomatoes -- sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, water chopped pineapple and corn starch and stir vigorously to combine. Set
it aside.
To serve,
pour some sauce on a plate, place the fish on top of it and garnish with the
finely chopped chives and cilantro. This dish goes best with simple steamed
white rice.
Cook's Note - If you love fiery hot sauce then you can add slice bird's eyes chili during sauting

Musim-musim begini anak-anak selalu suka lauk yang panas-panas dan saya buat ini ikan 3 rasa yang cukup popular dimana-mana restuarant Cina atau Thai. Ikan Siakap sekarang ni murah dan saya memang suka ikan siakap sebab isinya yang lembut. Untuk menambahkan keenakan pada rasa masam dan manisnya saya masukkan nenas cincang...memang sedap. Menu ini sesuailah dijadikan menu utama makan bersama nasi.
Next Post - Chocolate Bundt Cake
bestnya siakap 3 rasa ni, peberet family Liza ni...
Salam Paty....sedapnya dapat ikan siakap masak gini...saya suka makan dan tak jemu jika ke kedai siam menu nie tidak ketinggalan.
wahh..sini pun ade ikan...byk menu ikan kuar hari ni ek..sedap ni kak..makan panas2 kan..bertambah2 nasi nya..:-)
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