WO..wo... it's PATYSKITCHEN cooking challenges and competition!!!!! yeah it's true....but it's not open to all. It's just a family affairs. Just among my daughters. When I started this cooking blog my conscience were cleared, I wanted to record recipes of my family favorite so that my children will have some reference when they need it later. I was hoping that this blogging things can build much closer bonding between me and my children and not to mention that my children will build the interest in cooking.
After seven month, I don't see any interest by my children to take up cooking, not at all. That worries me, I don't expect them to be a cook good but at least they should know some basic, some simple dish I believe is enough. So what I did was I listed down a simple daily recipes and told them that I wanted them to try. I wanted them to have their own recipe books. I shown them a few blogs by teenage girl with cooking column and challenged them to do the same. Each of them have their own personal blog. I told them to include this cooking adventure as part of a growing up teenage girl experiences. It sounds good ha,.... and to my surprises they agreed with my suggestions and here goes the PART I of these cooking challenges.
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I guided them through the processes, I created an environment of MENTOR and PORTEGE and guided them to do the write up in their blogs. So far so good. my youngest daughter have a few insertion of her own cooking experiences in her blog. To me it was a positive sign and hope to do more with them.
I will be publishing their experiences and recipes from time to time and for a start these were their first dishes, their favorite dishes, AYAM MASK KICAP by Tyca, TELUR GORENG TAUCHO by Myraz and TELUR PECAH by Eyba. Let's take a look at the youngest cooking TELUR PECAH. Telur Pecah is a scrambled eggs. Eyba loves omelette so much. I think she is not ready to prepare the omelette, instead I asked her to prepare this scrambled eggs, slowly I will develop her to do the omelette. A simple recipe with just eggs, onion and some fresh tomatoes.
5 eggs / biji telur
1 onion sliced thinly / 1 biji bawang besar hiris nipis
1 tomato sliced thinly / 1 biji tomato hiris nipis
salts and pepper to taste / lada dan garam secukup rasa
3 tbsp cooking oil / 3 sdb minyak
In a large bowl beat eggs with fork. At in salts and pepper. Leave aside.
Heat up oil and fry the eggs. Continue stir and beat the eggs. When eggs are almost done add in onion, mix well and lastly add in tomato. Ready to serve/Pukul tekur dan masukkan garam dan lada sulah. Panaskan minyak dan goreng telur sambil dikacau-kacau memecahkan telur itu. Bila telur hampir masak, masukkan bawang besar sambil dikacau terus. Akhir sekali sebelum memadamkan api masukkan tomato. Sedia dihidang.
Ini adalah special entry sajian yang disediakan oleh anak-anak saya. Saya telah memberikan mereka cabaran untuk memasak menu kegemaran mereka. Ini adalah salah satu cara untuk mengajak mereka ke dapur. Sebenarnya tidak ada seorang pun anak-anak saya yang berminat memasak. Bloging ini masih belum membuka pintu hati mereka untuk sama-sama ke dapur. Ini membimbangkan saya, jadi saya terpaksa menggunakan approach yang lain untuk mengajak mereka berjinak-jinak kedapur. Saya menyenaraikan resipi-resipi yang perlu dipelajari mereka dan mengajak mereka untuk sama-sama mencuba. Kebetulan kesemua mereka mempunyai blog sendiri jadi saya sarankan mereka menyediakan ruangan masakan dalam blog mereka, share pengalaman memasak mereka bersama teman-teman mereka. Nampaknya cara ini berjalan dan hari ini saya nak kongsikan resipi-resipi dan masakan yang dibuat oleh anak-anak saya. Resipi-resipinya mudah dan ringkas. So untuk entry ini dan dua lagi entry akan datang saya mempunyai chef jemputan dengan resipi TELUR PECAH oleh Eyba, TELUR MASAK TAUCHO oleh Myrax dan AYAM MASAK KICAP oleh Tyca.
Next Post - Telur Masak Taucho
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