A mini cupcake recipe (or recipe for fairy cakes) is easily
created from your regular cupcake recipe, blend with creativity...you get these cute awesome cakes. Perfect for party.....
Mini Cupcakes
1 1/2 Cups All Purpose Flour1 1/2 Tsp Baking Powder1/4 Tsp Salt3/4 Cup Unsalted Butter, softened3/4 Cup Sugar2 Large Eggs1/2 Cup Whole Milk1 Tsp VanillaDirections:
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Whisk the flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and set aside.
- Using an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar on medium-high speed for 2 minutes or until light and fluffy.
- Add the eggs one at a time and vanilla and beat on low speed until combined.
- Slowly add some of the flour mixture and then some of the milk, alternating until just combined, scraping down the sides of the bowl with a rubber spatula as you go.
- Pour the batter into mini muffin cups (I like to use a mini ice cream scooper) lined with paper or foil liners until 2/3 full.
- Bake for 15 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted into the middle of the cupcake comes out clean.
- Cool and frost.

Kepada yang kreatif ini cukup menyeronokkan, seperti biasa saya hanya menggunakan gula-gula manik untuk hiasanya. Walau bagaimanapun tetap menarik. Saya gunakan royal ising dan tuliskan HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYU. cUKUP COMEL UNTUK AYU bawa pada kekawanya di campus.
Next Post - Roti John
Selamat pagi Kak Paty,
semuanya cantik...kreatifnya deko!
Ermmm...comelnya cc tu...nak!!
salm kak paty.. alahai tergoda lak tengok cute cupcakes tu :))
Hello Paty, wow! They beautiful! I wish I am your neighbour....I bring durians or rambutans, dapat makan your cakes, ha ha.
Twice I stayed next to Malay neighbours, and on my frequent travels, I will buy back crabs from Kuantan, durians from Taiping, biscuits from Telok Anson, etc give my Malay neighbours....
And they in turn bila buat cakes will give some to me.
That time bachelor...ha ha.
You have a nice day, oh ya, if you senang datang my pondok, but a good suggestion bring ayer sejuk with you, ha ha ha.
salam k.paty..waaahh cantiknye cupcake akak wat..kita x pernah pandai nk deco cc..ada beli fondant readymade dh lama dulu tp sampai la nih x berani nk guna lg hehee!!
Salam Amie....ini keje amateur...akak tak pandai deco main dengan manik aje....seronok juga jadi budak2 macam main play dough.
Salam Gee..hem akak sengaja buat yang kecil senang ngap dalam mulut
Salam Wani...anak dara akak ni nak bawa balik kat kekawan tulah cc lah yang best senang nak angkut balik
Hello Uncle...you r in Penang or sudah balik Canada. I cooked you Mamak Fish Head curry la
Salam DR.....senang aje...yang ini akak guna royal ising..main tempek aje.
OK while reading this article I noticed that you STOLE my copyrighted content.
Take it down otherwise I report you to Google who owns Blogger and file a DMCA!
I'll check back in a few days to make sure you removed this post from your blog.
Stealing is dishonest: work on your own and don't make profit from others hard work !
hmm enaknya,,,
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