This cake needs no introduction already it's a reminiscent of American cheese cake the cleverness and innovation of this cake is the clear winner here. Cladded between a heavy American type of cheesecake and the Asian style of sponge cakes, this Japanese cotton cheesecake is perfect for anyone from kids to adults, for those who prefer a lighter type of cake. You can make it plain or top with some blueberry, straberry, mango or even lemon jelly.///My goodness..its was awesome..I made two for blueberry and the other one with Matcha Green Tea. Try this soft spongy cheese cake that kick your sock off.
Japaese Cotton Cheese Cake - Adapted from Little Teochew

140g fine granulated sugar
6 egg whites
6 egg whites
6 egg yolks
1/4 tsp cream of tartar or lemon juice
50 g butter
250 g cream cheese
100 ml fresh milk
60 g cake flour (can also use plain flour)
20 g corn flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 vanilla pod, scrapped
zest of 1/2 lemon
1. Melt cream cheese, butter, milk, vanilla seeds and pod, over a
double boiler. Strain the mixture through a sieve just to make sure there are
no lumps of cream cheese. Discard the pod or wash, dry it and put it in your
sugar container. Cool the mixture. Fold in the flour, the cornflour, salt, egg
yolks, lemon zest and mix well.
2. Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar or lemon juice until foamy.
Add in the sugar and whisk until soft peaks form. To prevent large holes, do
not whisk egg whites at the fastest speed. Use a moderate speed to achieve soft
peaks (and tiny bubbles).
3. Add the cheese mixture to the egg white mixture and fold well. Pour
into a 8-inch round cake pan (lightly grease and line the bottom and sides of
the pan; make sure the paper is 1.5 inch higher than the pan as the cake will
rise pretty high if u’ve done it right, with greaseproof baking paper or
parchment paper). Wrap the base of your cake tin with aluminium foil if you are
using a springform tin, to prevent seepage. Cover the top of the cake loosely
with an aluminium sheet.
4. Bake cheesecake in a water bath for 1 hour 10 mins or until set and
golden brown at 160°C. Remove the aluminium sheet after 50 minutes of baking.
5. Leave to cool in oven with door ajar, about 30mins to 1 hour.
Sudden changes in temperature may cause the cake to cool too quickly and
Versi Melayu
Sumber : Alma@myresepi
Bahan-bahan : Loyang bulat 9
Bahan A:
250g cream cheese
50g butter
100 ml susu segar (fresh milk) @ susu cair 70ml + air 30ml
6 biji kuning telur *izah guna 7 biji gred B
1 sdb jus lemon @ 1 sdt esen vanila
1/4 sdk garam
60g tepung kek / tepung superfine @ guna tepung gandum, ayak 3 kali
20g tepung jagung (cornflour/cornstarch)
Bahan B:
140g gula kastor
6 biji putih telur *izah guna 7 biji gred B
3/4 sdk jus lemon @ 1 sdt cream of tartar
Cairkan cream cheese, butter & susu dgn teknik double boiler.
kacau2 dengan whisk sehingga sebati. Bila dah cair, sejukkan adunan cream
cheese tu td.
Kemudian, campurkan ke dlm
adunan c/chs td dgn tepung, tepung jagung, kuning telur, garam & jus lemon
ke dlm adunan cream cheese & gaul hingga sebati (gaul guna senduk kayu sj
pun boleh, tapi Ana pukul guna mixer dengan kelajuan sederhana agar semua adunan
halus dan sebati).
Step II : Utk adunan B:
Dalam bekas lain, pukul putih telur bersama jus lemon, sampai berbuih2
(foamy). Lepas tu, tambahkan gula & pukul lagi sampai bertanduk (soft
Campurkan adunan Bahan A td ke dalam adunan Bahan B yg dah gebu tu
& kacau smpai sebati. Sediakan tin/bekas kek yg bulat berukuran 9 inci, yg
digriskan bwhnye & dialas dgn kertas baking. tepi loyang tak perlu gris ya.
Tuang adunan kek dlm tin kek.
Bakar kek dlm kire-kira sejam, dgn cara au bain-marie (waterbath), pd
160 degrees C / 325 degrees F.
Waterbath = sediakan loyang yg
lebih besar dari loyang kek, isikan air panas, kemudian letakkan loyang kek
tadi di dalam loyang yg berisi air panas. Bakar hingga masak, test guna lidi
ya, dah masak, off suis oven, renggangkan pintu oven sedikit dan biarkan kek di
dalam hingga agak sejuk supaya kek tak mendap@turun mendadak. Sisip tepi kek
dan terbalikkan, hiaskan dengan filling kesukaan, sedap dimakan sejuk.
Blueberry Topping
Sumber : alongRoz@myresipi
1 tsp Gelatin / Serbuk agar2*Ana guna gelatin Halagel
30 ml Air
150g Blueberry pie filling @ apa2 filling kesukaan
Cara-cara :
campurkan gelatin/agar2 dgn air. Panaskan sebentar & campurkan
blueberry. Sapukan ke atas cheesecake & sejukkan sebentar.

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