This is a typical Malay dish and I really can't find the name in English, it a type of snail that you have to suck to get the meat. Very nice seafood dish and this recipe is always the favourite to prepare this dish. It's hot, creamy and of course simply delicious.
MASAK LOMAK SIPUT SEDUT2 cups thick coconut milk / 2 cawan santan pekat1 kg siput sedut clean thoroughly / 1 kg siput sedut dibersihkan
1 turmeric leaf - tear / 1 daun kunyit disiat1 tamarind pulp / 1 keping asam gelugor2 lemongrass crushed / 2 serai dititik1 cup water / 1 cawan airIngredient to be blend / Bahan untuk diblend25 bird's eyes chili / 25 biji cili padi2" turmeric root / 2" kunyit hidup1 onion / 1 biji bawang /Blend all ingredients into wet paste / Blend semua bahan sehingga halus..Heat up oil and saute blended ingredients till oil surface and fragrant. Add in lemongrass / Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahanblend sehingga naik baunya dan masukkan serai. Add in 2 cup of water and the siput, let it cook for 15 minutes / Masukkan air dan siput dan biarkan atas api selama 15 minit. Masukkan santan pekat, daun kunyit, asam gelugor, garam dan gula secukup rasa. Biar sehingga mendidih dan angkat.
1 comment:
salam kak..
dulu sy tak reti nak mkn siput sedut ni.. sejak2 kawin ngan en. abg barulah reti sikit sbb kat kg mak dia pernah gak masak.. bukan siput yg org jual kat pasar tu tp siput yg kutip sendiri kat sungai.. seronok mencarinya kalau musim.. kejap je dah dpt byk.. hehe... siput yg kak paty masak ni pun nampak mcm siput sungai sbeb warnanya hitam & kulit licin jer kan.. kalau siput yg sejenis lagi tu (siput laut) kulit dia bercorak & tak licin mcm ni kan.. tp dua2 pun sedap...
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