Spritz Cookies, also known as Swedish Butter Cookies or Pressed Butter Cookies, are a very popular Christmas cookie, not only in Scandinavia, but also here in North America.
They have a lovely vanilla flavor and a rich buttery texture that is tender crisp. As their name implies, "Spritz" is German for "spritzen" meaning "to squirt", which is exactly what is done with this cookie dough.
I saw this in Martha Stewart Show. Looks so interesting and easy . Spritz Cookies contain only a few ingredients, butter, sugar, an egg, vanilla extract, and flour. Some recipes include bakingpowder, but I find that the cookies maintain their shape better without it.
This cookie needs a good unsalted butter and purevanilla extract. The cookies look a little bit plain but , they look so pretty when decorated with candied cherries, nuts, colored sprinkles or colored sugars.
1 cup (227 grams) unsaltedbutter, room temperature
1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated whitesugar
1 largeegg
1 1/2 teaspoons purevanillaextract
2 1/4 cups (295 grams) all purposeflour
1/4 teaspoon salt
candied cherries, nuts, colored sprinkles or colored sugars
SpritzCookies: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C) and place rack in center of oven. You will need two ungreased baking sheets.
In the bowl of your electric mixer, or with a hand mixer, beat the butter and sugar until fluffy (2-3 minutes). Add the egg and vanilla extract and beat until incorporated. On low speed, gradually add the flour and salt and mix until incorporated.
To Press Cookies: Scrape some of the dough into your cookie press that has been fitted with a decorative plate (follow manufacturer's instructions). Hold the cookie press perpendicular to the ungreased baking sheet, with the tip almost touching the sheet, and squeeze the trigger. (If you find the dough is too soft, because the shape of the cookies is not clearly defined, then chill the dough.) Continue to press out the cookies, spacing about 1 inch apart. If desired, decorate the cookies with pieces of candied cherries, nuts, colored sprinkles or colored sugars.
To Pipe Cookies:Have ready a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2 inch diameter open star tip. Fill the pastry bag about half full, twist the end of the bag to close, and pipe 1 1/2 inch (3.5 cm) rosettes or stars by holding the pastry bag perpendicular to the ungreased baking sheet, with the tip almost touching the sheet. Squeeze the pastry bag firmly and evenly without moving it until the shape is the desired size. Stop squeezing and push the pastry bag down a little and then lift the pastry bag straight up. Continue to pipe cookies, spacing about 1 inch apart. If desired, decorate the cookies with pieces of candied cherries, nuts, colored sprinkles or colored sugars
Cookies ini memang cukup popular masa saya kecil-kecil dahulu, suka menolong arwah umi menyediakanya ialah nak main-main tekan-tekan....untuk memastikan cookies ini cantik dan sedap paling penting dapatkan butter yang berquality tinggi, biasanya Golden Churn la tapi sekarang dah disahkan tidak halal saya gantikan dengan butter jenis"lupak", elakkan baking powder kerana kalau ia mengembang corak nya akan lari. Cookie ini agak plain tetapi boleh dimeriahkan dan diindahkan dengan taburan manik atau ceri.
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