
Thursday, July 03, 2014


Pertama kali mencuba...asalnya hendak membuat Korean pancake tetapi entah macam mana tiba-tiba tukar plan maka jadilah kejadiannya roti ini. Macam pizza atau Naan Bread..cuma bezanya saya masukkan daun bawang dan roti ini digoreng macam roti canai. 

Boleh diperbagaikan jika suka..bawang putih atau cheese boleh digantikan dengan daun bawang. Sedap bersama kari tetapi saya lebih gemar dengan asam pedas.

Green Onion Bread
  • 375 g tepung (lebih kurang 2 1/2 cawan)
  • 1 1/2 sdt yeast
  • 1 cawan air suam
  • 2 sdt gula
  • 1 sdb minyak masak
  • secubit garam
  • 2 pokok daun bawang dipotong nipis
  • 2 biji cili hijau dihiris nipis
  • minyak bijan

Cara Membuatnya

  1. Masukkan yeast, gula ke dalam air suam. Rehatkn selama 5 - 10 minit atau sehingga naik buih
  2. Masukkan tepung dan garam ke dalam mangkok besar
  3. Buat lubang ditengah dan masukkan adunan yeast tadi
  4. Gaul sehingga sebati dan uli seketika
  5. Masukkan minyak masak dan uli sekat
  6. Letakkan adunan ke dalam mangkok yang telah dileserkan dengn sedikit minyak
  7. Tutup dengan kain dan biarkan adunan naik dua kali ganda

Adunan naik dua kali ganda..tumbuk-tumbuk supaya keluar anginnya

Bahagi adunan kepada 6 bahagian

Canai setiap satu

Rapatkan gulungan
Bentukkan seperti membuat roti canai

Canai nipis

Goreng seperti menggoreng roti canai
370 grams All-Purpose Flour
1 Cup Warm Water
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 ½ tsp Active Yeast
1 Tbsp Vegetable Oil
1 Bunch Green Onions/Scallions, sliced
2 Green Chilies, finely chopped
Sea Salt
Sesame Oil


Put the warm water in a measuring jug or bowl. Add sugar, stir to dissolve and add the yeast. Stir to mix. Set aside for 10-15 minutes or until the yeast mixture is frothy.

Place the flour into a large bowl. Make a well and pour in the yeast mixture and add the vegetable oil. Knead the dough for about 10 to 13 minutes until it is smooth and elastic. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover the bowl with a piece of cling film and set aside in a warm place for about 45 minutes to 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in bulk.

Place the dough on a floured board. Divide it into 6 equal balls. Gather the dough into round balls. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes. Flatten each piece of dough with your palm, and roll into a thin rectangular shape. Brush the surface with sesame oil, sprinkle some sea salt, scallions, and green chilies. Starting with the edge closest (the long end) to you and roll up the dough. Then roll it up again from one end like a snail, tuck the end and let it rest for another 10 minutes.
Repeat with the remaining dough, oil, salt, scallions and green chilies.

Preheat the oven to 400˚F. Line a baking pan/tray with parchment paper.

When ready to bake: Flatten the dough with your palm and fingers to your desired thickness. Place the pressed dough on a baking pan. Brush the top with sesame oil. Bake for about 16 to 20 minutes. Serve warm.

Makes 6 (About 6 ½ inches) Pancakes

Adapted from - 

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