
Saturday, April 30, 2011


This steam cake is once popular in Indonesia. I came across the recipe from one of the Indonesia Food Blog.The texture of the cake is soft like a chiffon cake. Easy to prepare and perfect for tea.

6 eggs /6 btr telur utuh
2 egg yolks / 2 biji kuning telur
250 g sugar / 250 g gula
1/2 tsp vanilli / ½ sdt vanilie
1/2 tsp salts / ½ sdt garam
1 tsp emulsifier  / 1 sdt emulsifier
175 ml thick coconut milk /175 ml santan kental, matang
200 g flour / 200 g flour

  1. Whisk eggs, sugar, vanilli, salts and emulsifier till fluffy / Pukul telur, gula, garam, emulsifier dan vailli sehingga kembang dan gebu.
  2. Combine all dry ingredients and mix with the eggs mixture /Satukan bahan-bahan kering dan masukkan kedalam adunan telur.
  3. Add in coconut milk and continue stirring / Masukkan santan dan terus kacau sehingga sebati.
  4. Divide mixture into 4 and add your favorite color / Bahagi adunan kepada empat dan warnakan mengikut warna kegemaran anda.
  5. Heat up steamer and steam cake layer by layer. Each layer for 10 minutes/ Panaskan kukusan dan kukus kuih selapus demi selapis sehingga habis. Setiap lapis dikukus selama 10 minit.
  6. Leave to cool before you cut / Sejukkan sebelum dipotong



Kuih ini popular di Indonesia, satu ketika dahulu banyak yang mencubanya, saya baru nak cuba. Kalau tidak salah saya nama lain bagi kuih ini ialah Apam Indon dan di Indoneisa dinamakan Boulu Lapis Mambo. Tektur kuih ini lembut tetapi hasil tangan saya kurang menjadi, agak bentat sedikit, mungkin kerana api terlalu kuat. Asyik buat apam yang memerlukan api kuat jadi terbawa-bawa dengan kuih ini. Rasanya sedap dan sesuai dijadikan sajian petang.
Next Post = Steam Sweet Corn Muffin / Apam Jagung



If you love "Apam Balik" or even Sweet Corn Muffin, then you should try this. It's taste almost the same.I made this for breakfast and the children love it. Give a try!!!!!

Recipe adapted from Smitten Kitchen. Com
2 tablespoons butter/ 2 sdb mentega dicairkan
3/4 cup sweet corn / 3/4 cawan jagung manis
1 large egg / 1 biji telur
1 1/4 cups (296 ml) buttermilk / 1 1/4 cawan buttermilk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extracts / 1/4 sdt vanilla
1 tablespoon (13 grams) sugar / 1 sdb gula
3/4 cup (3 3/8 ounces) all-purpose flour / 3/4 cawan tepung serba guna
1 teaspoon (5 grams) baking powder / 1 sdt baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda / 1/2 sdt baking soda

  1. Lightly beat egg in the bottom of a large bowl, then whisk in buttermilk, corn, vanilla and sugar. In a smaller bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, baking soda and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Stir dry ingredients into wet, mixing until just combined but still lumpy in appearance./ Satukan bahan kering dan letak sebelah. Dalam mangkok lain pukul telur, buttermilk, gula dan jagung. Kemudian satukan bahan basah dan bahan kering. Kacau rata sehingga menjadi adunan yang lincin.
  2. Reheat your skillet or saute pan to medium. Brush the pan with butter and ladle 1/4 cup batter at a time, 2 inches apart. When the pancakes have bubbles on top and are slightly dry around the edges, flip them over and cook them until golden brown underneath. If they seem to be cooking too quickly (dark on the outside, raw centers) turn your heat down to low for the next batch and inch it up as needed. Repeat with remaining batter, and serve immediately with a pat of salted butter and a healthy dose of maple syrup. / Panaskan kuali, sendukkan adunan lebih kurang 1/4 cawan. Bila pancake dah hampir naik buih balikkan. Perlahankan api dan masak hingga masak. Hidang bersama sirap.

Kalau anda sukakan Apam balik atau muffin jagung manis anda pasti akan suka pancake ini. Rasanya hampir sama. Lemak, manis dan cukup enak buat sarapan pagi.
Next Post - Lapis Kukus Mambo


I remembered growing up with this dish. It's my mom's favorite breakfast menu. Glutinous Rice Steamed and mixed with grated coconut. Serve with sambal or salted fish.  We have this Glutinous Rice aka Pulut Urap for breakfast today. Really yummy and satisfying breakfast !!!

2 cups glutinous rice - soaked overnight / 2 cawan beras pulut rendam semalaman
1 cup white grated coconut/ 1 cawan kelapa parut
pinch of salts / secubit garam
  1. Cover sticky rice with room temperature water at least 3 inches above the rice. Let rice sit for 2 hours or overnight, then drain off any excess water.
  2. Steam sticky rice in a steamer with a lid over high heat for about 30 minutes, or until the rice is soft. Flip the rice over so that the sticky rice on the top will go on the bottom and steam with the lid on for 5 more minutes. You can keep the rice warm for a few more minutes with the steamer on simmer, or remove it and keep it in a thermal-controlled container.
  3. Leave to cool for a while and mix the glutinous rice with grated coconut and a pinch of salts. Ready to serve with sambal or salted fish.
Pulut Urup makan bersama sambal ikan bilis dan ikan masin, wah sampai juga hajat saya ni, dah lama inginkan pulut ini. Kebetulan semalam saya buat Serimuka Jagung, saya agihkan sedikit pulut untuk dikukus pagi ini buat sarapan pagi. Ini memang favorite saya. Arwah umi selalu membuatnya, memang sedap makan dengan ikan masin.
Next Post - Sweetcorn Pancake



If you love steamboat and soup, this steamboat potato soup recipe is sure to bright up your day. Steamboat soup recipe typically combine the crab sticks, fishballs, shrimps and vegetables for a lively kick. However for this recipe I made it simple by adding just two ingredients, the crab sticks and potatoes. Both ingredients make the soup hearty .

20 crab sticks halved / 20 keping jejari ketam dibelah dua
3 potatoes cut into wedges / 3 biji kentang dibelah memanjang
2 spring onions cut into 1" / 2 tangkai daun bawang dipotong 1" panjang
5 cloves  garlic chopped / 5 ulas bawang putih dicincang
8 cups of chicken stock / 8 cawan stok ayam
2 tsp sesame oil / 2 sdt minyak jagung
1 tbsp oil / 1 sdb minyak
dash of peppers / lada sulah
salts to taste/ garam secukup rasa.

  1. Prepare all the ingredients in the potato soup recipe. Peel the potatoes and crush the garlic clove
  2. Heat up oil  and sautee garlic for till brown / Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih hingga kekuningan
  3. Pour stock in a pan and bring to boil. Add in salt and potatoe and simmer till potatoes are done../ Masukkan stok dan renehkan. Masukkan garam dan kentang dan masak hingga empuk.
  4. Add sesame oil and peppers. Finally add in crab sticks / Masukkan minyak bijan dan jejari ketam dan juga lada sulah. Renehkan
  5. Garnish soup with spring onion/Masukkan daun bawang.
  6. Serve it hot. Enjoy it!/Hidang dan selamat menjamu selera!!

Kalau anda suka steamboat anda pasti suka soup ini. Soup ini adalah soup asas steamboat tetapi saya cuma menggunakan dua bahan sahaja, jejari ketam dan kentang. Ringkas dan sihat. Sesuai untuk dijadikan sajian sekecil.
Next Post - Breakfast Menu


A delicious and easy  fried chicken Chinese style recipe for lunch or dinner.

1 whole chicken cut into bite sizes
2 green chilies cut diagonally
2 red chilies cut diagonally
2 spring onions (scallions) cut diagonally to approx 1"
1 onion cut into rings
5 gloves garlic chopped
2" ginger sliced thinly
2 tbsp turmeric powder
salts to taste
suffcient oil for deep frying

Marinade chicken with turmeric powder and salts for 30 minutes. Deep fried till cook, drained and set aside.

For seasoning

2 tablespoons soy sauce
4 to 5 tablespoons oyster sauce
half cup of chicken stock mixed with 1 tablespoon cornflour
1 tbsp sesame oil

  1. Heat wok to high then add in about 2 tablespoons oil
    Add the garlic , ginger with the spring onions, and stir-fry for about 1 to 1 1/2 minutes
  2. Add the chicken , along with the oyster sauce and stir fry until ingredients are well mixed through
    Pour in the chicken stock/corn flour mix, then the soy sauce, sesame oil and fry for 30 seconds.
    Add cut chilies and onion. Ready to serve

Ayam Goreng ala Cina yang mudah dan ringkas. Ini pasti menjadi kegemaran anak-anak kerana rasanya dan sajian yang tidak pedas. Mengikut citarasa masing-masing jika inginkan kering atau basah. Sesuai untuk sajian tengah hari atau malam.
Next Post - Steamboat Crab Stick Soup


Taro stem can be prepared in various ways and the recipe here is one of the favorite reflecting "Selera Kampung" top menu. In this recipe the main ingredients are taro stem, taro, salted or fresh fish. cooked in hot sour soup It is also heavily spiced with red hot chilies.

  • 2 stalk taro stem
  • 1/2 taro cut into cubes
  • 300 gm cut sting ray fish
  • 8 cups water
  • 1 ginger flower halved
  • 3 strig daun kesum
  • 3 pcs tamarind pulp
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
Pounded Ingredients
  • 15 dried chilies soaked
  • 4 fresh chilies
  • 7 bird's eyes chilies
  • 1" shrimp paste
  • 2" turmeric root

Pound all ingredients into wet paste and set aside.
Saute Ingredients
  • 10 shallots sliced thinly
  • 5 clove garlic sliced thinly
  • 5 dried chilies halved
  • 2 tbsp cumin seeds
  1. Remove the taro stems and any tough veins and cut into pieces of 2". Boil the water and salt, then add the  taro and stem and cook for 10 minutes.. Make sure to cook the taro stems all the way through as they contain natural crystals, which can cause scratchy irritations in the mouth and throat if they are not completely  cooked.  Once finished, drain the taro and lightly press with a paper towel to remove excess water.
  2. Boil 8 cups water, add in the pounded ingredients. Leave to boil, add in fish, tamarind pulps, ginger flower, daun kesum and salts to taste. Cook until fish is done.
  3. Add in boiled taro, and taro stem and continue to simmer the soup.
  4. In another pan heat up oil and sautee the "saute ingredients" till brown. Immediately pour these into the soup. Simmer for another 10 minutes and remove from heat. Ready to serve.
This dish serve best with Ulam, Sambal and Salted Fish.

Ulam and Sambal Belacan

Salte Fish
Selera Kampung yang digemari ramai. Terdapat berbagai cara untuk memasak sayur keladi ini, tetapi saya lebih gemar memasak Tumis Asam cara tumis darat. Selalunya Tumis Darat ini akan dimasak bersama dengan ikan masin tetapi untuk resipi ini saya masak bersama dengan ikan pari. Enak dimakan bersama nasi panas, ulam-ulaman sambal belacan dan ikan masin
Next Post - Chicken Oyster Sauce / Ayam Goreng Sos Tiram


Friday, April 29, 2011


Chicken Chop falls under "western" one dish meal and is a popular and favorite menu.

The sides serve along with this dish include french fries, dinner rolls, colelaws and salad. Favorite sauce include black pepper, mushroom sauce and for Asian, chili sauce.

There are few version of Chicken Chop served in Restuarant and Cafe, the famous are the breaded chicken chop and the grilled chicken chop.This recipe is for the breaded chicken chop using breadcrumbs. It is simply simple and easy both for the ingredients and preparations. You can prepare in advance, frozen and deep fried when needed. Perhaps you can try this for dinner!!!! 


Next Post- Assam Tumis Batang Keladi


I took my daughter to a movie called the Green Hornet. In one of the scene a young gentleman, the butler prepared cappuccino using the latte art which prompt me to learn the technique. From there on I made my search on the techniques and found a few articles on making cappuccino at home. Here I wanna share with you the techniques that I learned, but before that just a few notes on Cappuccino,

Cappuccino is a favorite in coffee bars and cafés..Cappuccino has many definitions depending on where you are in the world. In Italy, it’s a beverage generally consumed first thing in the morning, and it’s espresso and steamed milk. In America the term has been used often to refer to something that’s a much foamier beverage than a latte.

Cappuccino is easy to prepare at home once you master the fine points of steaming and frothing. Always steam the milk before making the espresso. A cup of cappuccino should be about 150ml, containing one espresso coffee and equal parts of steamed milk and froth.

To make cappuccino at home, make a cup of espresso, and then make microfoam in a frothing pitcher starting with the same volume of milk as the cup of espresso. The milk should be frothed to double its original volume. Preheat a large ceramic cup (e.g., by pouring boiling water into it, and then draining it). Pour the espresso into the ceramic cup, and then pour the microfoam over it. If you like, you can sprinkle powdered or shaved chocolate or cinnamon on top of the finished drink.

Note that for cappuccino, the espresso is poured into the coffee cup first, and the microfoam is poured on top of the espresso. If you pour the two ingredients in the opposite order (i.e., if you pour the espresso into the microfoam), then technically, the drink is called a "macchiato," not a cappuccino.


A cup, which are traditionally six or seven ounces.

A steaming pitcher with cold milk in it.

1/3 cup of Espresso

Any kind of milk you like to use is fine.




Frothing Milk without cappuccino making machine. Some things that you would need to get the froth are Homogenized cold milk, a small saucepan and a loose wired whisk.
  1. First, fill half the saucepan with the cold milk
  2. Then, heat the saucepan with slightly higher than medium heat.You are going to want the majority of the milk to be froth, Steam to 150 ºF, If you prefer hotter, do not exceed 160 ºF. It is supposed to be a drink that can be enjoyed right away.
  3. Use the whisk, and begin to "beat" the milk. start slowly, you would see ,wide bubbles forming and as your "beating" increased, the bubbles will become smaller and more condensed.
  4. Whisk faster as the temperature increases and slowly you would noticed that the volume of the bubbles begin to swell.
  5. Take caution although the heat and the whisking are giving you the froth, do not allow the milk to boil -monitor the temperature carefully. If the milk boils, both your froth and taste will be ruined.
  6. After a while, take the saucepan away from the heat source and continue to whisk until the froth double its size. Now, your froth is ready.

    Saya memang sudah lama teringin hendak mempelajari teknik membuat Cappuccino ni, tambah lagi sekarang kalau kita minum di cafe-cafe, Cappuccino akan dibuat dengan berbagai corak. Ini dinamakan teknik THE LATTE ART" . Memang suka tenguk, tetapi itu saya letak kemudian yang penting buat permulaan ini ialah mempelajari membuat cappuccino dahulu tanpa membeli machine cappuccino. Saya telah mencubanya beberapa kali tetapi masih belum mendapat hasil yang saya ingin, cuma dua tiga hari yang lepas, entah apa angin tiba-tiba terasa sangat diminum dan membuat cappuccino, jadi saya cubalagi entah lah dah hilang track entah kali ke berapa baru nampak hasilnya, tidak 100% tetapi udah mencapai 80%, insyallah lagi dua tiga cubaan seterusnya mungkin akan lebih cantik.

    Apa yang penting dalam membuat cappuccino ialah cara "frothing" atau memanaskan susu sehingga berbuih naik wap. Susu tidak boleh terlalu panas. Susu harus menjadi lebih ringan sebelum dituang keatas kopi Espresso. Untuk sukatan susu kena 2/3 daripada cawan berbanding 1/3 daripada espresso. Cawan perlu di panaskan dahulu dengan menjiruskan cawan dengan air panas dan keringkan cawan. Bila susu sudah mencapai pada tahap yang sesuai baru dituang ke atas Espresso. Di sini juga memerlukan kemahiran jika kita ingin mencorakkan minuman kita. Biasanya corak yang dibuat ialah dalam bentuk daun pucuk paku atau bentuk hati. Oleh kerana saya masih lagi bertaktih-taktih saya cuma taburkan serbuk koko. Mungkin dalam entry akan datang saya akan masukkan Cappuccino yang bercorak. Insyallah. Sekarang ini tengah belajar melembutkan tangan.

    Mudahkan!!!! tak payah bayar sampai 6-10 Ringgit untuk scawan cappuccino. Hasil tangan sendiri sudah cukup baik dan sudah tentu rasanya yang cukup memuaskan hati.. So ENJOY your drink.
    Next Post - Breaded Chicken Chop



    This is technically muffin batter, so it makes very thick pancakes. I found this recipi from one of the National Pancake submission. The ingredients look interesting and similar with carrot cake or even carrot muffin. The pancakes do not cook like regular pancakes - they take longer and do not flip as easily.  But they do taste delicious!  I love the texture of the pancake, soft and spongy. If crave for carrot cake or even carrot muffin but was a bit make it you can substitute this is what you are craving for, trust me it taste the same. This goes well with apple cinnamon syrup.


    • 1 3/4 cups raisin bran cereal
    • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon salt
    • 1 egg
    • 3/4 cup buttermilk (+ extra milk to thin the batter)
    • 1/4 cup canola oil
    • 3/4 cup finely chopped peeled tart apple
    • 3/4 cup grated carrots
    1. In a bowl, combine the first six ingredients. In a small bowl, beat the egg, buttermilk and oil. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in apple and carrots. 
    2. Pour 1/3 cup of batter onto a griddle on medium heat.  Wait until the bottom side of the pancakes stick together enough to flip over.  When pancakes have cooked through, remove and top with butter and maple syrup!
    Secara teknicalnya resipi ini adalah untuk carrot uffin tetapi diolah menjadikan pancake, Rasanya sudah tentulah rasa carrot muffin. Memang sedap. Saya buat sirap epal dengan memasak beberapa biji epal bersama air gula dan sedikit serbut kayu manis. Curahkan ke atas pancake. emmmmm, sedap sungguh lebih-lebih makan panas-panas, Aroma serbuk kayu manis memang menaikkan selera.  Pancake ini walaupun rupanya tiada tapi rasanya ada!!!

    Next Post - How To Make Homemade Cappacinu



    Good Morning Malaysia, it's raining heavily outside and today is Friday. My  son was home last night with a few friends staying over for the weekend. I understand they wanted to make a trip to Penang. I have to go the work and got these breakfast for them done. By the time they woke up, I'm gone to work, so I made something simple for "self service"- Fettuccine Cabonara and Cinnamon Apple Pancake, Thought of making mushroom soup but I'm running out of time and I hope these would be enough,


    • 1 tablespoon olive oil / 1sdb minyak zaitu
    • 1 yellow onion, chopped/ 1 biji bawang besar kuning dicincang
    • 2 garlic cloves, crushed / 2 ulas bawang putih
    • slices bacon, fat removed and chopped into chunks (the smokey variety is tastier)/ 4 keping daging bacan hiris nipis 
    • 5 pcs dried black mushroom soaked and sliced/  5 keping cendawan kering rendam dan hiri
    • 2 strig celery leave chopped/ 2 tangkai daun sup cincang 
    • 600 ml light cream/6oo ml krim ringan     
    • 4 eggs/ 4 biji telur
    • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, the /1/2 cawan parmesan keju shredded variety
    • 1 teaspoon salt, I usually add a little more/ 1 sdt garam
    • pepper/lada
    • 500 g fettuccine pasta / 500 g pasta fettuccine
    • 1 teaspoon oil, for boiling pasta / 1 sdt minyak untuk masak past
    • 1 teaspoon salt, for boiling pasta / 1 sdt garam untuk rebus past
    • parmesan cheese, extra/ pamersan keju lebih untuk tabur di atas

    1. Place water in a large saucepan with a little oil and salts/ Masak air dalam periuk besar masukkan beberapa titik minyak dan garam
    2. Bring to the boil and add fettucine./ Rebuskan pasta.
    3. Stir for a few minutes to prevent fettucine from sticking together./Kacau supaya tidak melekat 
    4. Meanwhile, heat oil in a saucepan and gently cook onion, garlic, dried mushroom and bacon on medium heat until onion becomes soft being careful not to burn./ Sementara itu panaskan minyak, tumiskan bawang, bawang putih dan bacondan cendawan sehingga layu/
    5.  In a bowl beat the eggs./ Dalam mangkok besar yang lain pukul telur
    6. Pour in cream and whisk together./Tuangkan krimAdd salt and pepper and mix well.Masukkan garam dan lada, Kacau rata./
    7. Transfer cream mixture into saucepan (off the heat) with onion, garlic and bacon and stir quickly to combine./Alihkan bahan dan campurkan bersama bahan yang ditumis tadi
    8. When pasta is cooked, drain into a large serving bowl and stir in the carbonara sauce and combine well./ Bila pasta dah mamsak tosskan dan gaulkan dengan sos cabonara
    9. The heat of the pasta will cook the sauce and thicken./ Kepanasan pasta akan terus memasak krim pada cabonara dan menyebabnya lebih peka
    10. During serving sprinkle some chopped celery and now peas / Semasa menghidang taburkan daun sup dan kacang peas. Serve immediately with some extra parmesan cheese

    Salam pagi Jumaat, wah cuaca betul-betul mendung pagi, ni, subuh tadi hujan begitu lebat sekali. Semalam anak lelaki saya pulang bercuti bersama rakan-rakan. Dengar kata nak bercuti dengan kekawan di Penang hujubg minggu ni. Saya siap dia orang Fettucinne Cabonara dan Cinnamon Apple Pancake. Senang, pandai-pandailah dia orang layan, saya dah nak ke office. Cadang tu nak buat juga mushroom sup baru kena dengan menu pagi ini, tetapi dah tak sempat dan bahan pun dah ada.
    Apa pun harap cukup la dan SELAMAT BERSARAPAN dan semoga pagi ini memberkati semua.


    It's durian season, so the best time to do anything with durian. If you love durian you will love this dessert. However, if you find durians too pungent to try, this Crepes with Durian Sauce dessert may still surprise you.

    The combination of sugar and coconut cream gives this sweet dish a full rich flavor. The bonus – it is so easy to make! You can also serve the sauce with bread or glutinous rice.


    • 1 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 egg
    • 2 cups milk


    1. In a mixing bowl, combine flour, egg, and milk.
    2. Heat a large skillet or crepe pan over a medium-high heat. Spray the pan with non-stick cooking spray. Pour about 1/3 cup of batter into the pan, lift the pan and turn it by rotating your wrist, spreading a PAPER THIN amount in the pan. Flip the crepe when it starts to bubble. When it is finished cooking, remove it and repeat this process with the remaining batter.
    10 pcs durian / 10 ulas durian - Mashed the durian
    1/2 cup palm sugar / 1/2 cawan gula merah
    1/4 cup sugar / 1/4 cawan gula
    2 cups coconut milk / 2 cawan santan
    pinch of salts./ secubit garam
    screwpine leaves / daun pandan knot

    Combine all ingredients and bring to boil at low heat until mixture thickens. Adjust taste and remove./Satukan semua bahan dan masak atas api sehingga adunan pekat, Angkat keluarkan daun pandan dan hidang.

     Biasanya beginilah kalau udah musim durian, macam-macam sajian akan direka dengan menggunakan buah durian ini, Resipi ini sama juga dengan resipi roti jala makan dengan kuah durian, ini bagi orang yang malas nak menjala, bolehlah buat krespes ini gulung dan makan dengan kuah durian. Lazat ni!!!! Kalau ada durian lebih-lebih tu boleh la cuba.
     Next Post - Apple Carrot Cinnamon Pancake.