
Saturday, April 30, 2011


I remembered growing up with this dish. It's my mom's favorite breakfast menu. Glutinous Rice Steamed and mixed with grated coconut. Serve with sambal or salted fish.  We have this Glutinous Rice aka Pulut Urap for breakfast today. Really yummy and satisfying breakfast !!!

2 cups glutinous rice - soaked overnight / 2 cawan beras pulut rendam semalaman
1 cup white grated coconut/ 1 cawan kelapa parut
pinch of salts / secubit garam
  1. Cover sticky rice with room temperature water at least 3 inches above the rice. Let rice sit for 2 hours or overnight, then drain off any excess water.
  2. Steam sticky rice in a steamer with a lid over high heat for about 30 minutes, or until the rice is soft. Flip the rice over so that the sticky rice on the top will go on the bottom and steam with the lid on for 5 more minutes. You can keep the rice warm for a few more minutes with the steamer on simmer, or remove it and keep it in a thermal-controlled container.
  3. Leave to cool for a while and mix the glutinous rice with grated coconut and a pinch of salts. Ready to serve with sambal or salted fish.
Pulut Urup makan bersama sambal ikan bilis dan ikan masin, wah sampai juga hajat saya ni, dah lama inginkan pulut ini. Kebetulan semalam saya buat Serimuka Jagung, saya agihkan sedikit pulut untuk dikukus pagi ini buat sarapan pagi. Ini memang favorite saya. Arwah umi selalu membuatnya, memang sedap makan dengan ikan masin.
Next Post - Sweetcorn Pancake


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