
Friday, September 30, 2011


Sakura Ebi ???Have you heard or tried this.? “Sakura Ebi” or Cherry Blossom Shrimp are tiny (maximum 5 cm) crustaceans caught in the Suruga Bay of Shizuoka. I first encounter this in Tokyo, Japan way back in 2006 and ever since then used these tiny shrimp for my udon or soba noodles. Tasty and delicious.

Sakura-ebi may be eaten raw, or doused briefly in boiling water (kama-age). Suboshi sakura-ebi is dried directly in the sun, and niboshi sakura-ebi is boiled in a huge pot and then dried either in the sun or in a drying device. The flavor of the sun-dried shrimp intensifies the more it is chewed; and the shrimp that are boiled before drying have a light crunchy texture.

Since sakura-ebi are eaten shell and all, it is a plentiful source of calcium and enriches the flavor of foods like sakura-ebi no kakiage (tempura made with sliced onion), and is often eaten with hot udon or soba noodles. Sakura-ebi are a standard ingredient of okonomiyaki (vegetables and meat or seafood mixed with batter and fried on a griddle).

In this fried rice recipe, I pan fried the sakura ebi with onion first and further incorporated it with fried rice. Try this !!! really awesome. You can get sakura ebi in supermarket such as expatriate supermarket selling Japanese Product. Jusco is one of place.

On this blessing Friday  morning, I would like to take the opportunity to thank Kak Jee from Dapur Kak Jee for Versatile Blogger Award given to me. Thanks Kjee I'm honored and happy with the award given. I knew Kjee through her articles in Utusan Malaysia, she was a journalist and has an informative blog  that share up todate news and recipe. Click her 
to know more about Kjee

  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic, chopped but not fine
  • 1/2 large yellow or white onion, diced
  • 1 cup of dried Sakura Ebi
  • 2 red chilies thinly slice
  • 6-8 cups of rice cooked (short grain) which is about 3 cups uncooked
  • canola oil or other light oil with high smoke point
  • 1/2 cup chopped scallions for garnish
  • Salt
  • white pepper (black pepper is okay as well, but the rice will look dirty)

Sakura Ebi
  1. Beat eggs and made thin omelete. Thinly slice omelete and set aside
  2. Heat up the large wok with a generous amount of oil and sauté the garlic at high heat for a few minutes.  The garlic should release a nutty flavor and become soft.  Remove immediately once the garlic has become fragrant.   
  3. Begin sautéing the onion in the pan until almost translucent.  This recipe calls for white or yellow onion simply for aesthetic purposes.  The only rich color in this dish is going to come from the shrimp and the green onion.  The rest of the dish should be fairly colorless so that the red and green pop out.  Add the shrimp to the onion and let it sauté at high heat until the fragrances of the shrimp opens up and the shrimp become lightly fried and crunchy.  This will take only a minute or so. Remove shrimp and onion from pan.
  4. Add rice into the pan and fry for a few minutes.  You will need to break up the rice carefully.Add the salt, pepper, garlic, eggs, onion, and shrimp back into the pan and toss with rice. Once it looks well combined and is seasoned to your liking, serve with scallions. 

Nasi Goreng Sakura Ebi!!, jangan salah faham ini bukan masakan yang menggunakan bunga sakura. Sakura Ebi adalah sejenis udang halus yang ditangkap di Suruga Bay di Shizuoka di Jepun. Lebih kurang udang geragau di Malaysia. Biasanya dimasak secara segar atau dikeringkan macam udang kering. Dalam resipi nasi goreng ini saya menggunakan yang dikeringkan. Sakura Ebi ini saya goreng secara berasingan dahulu baru di masukkan dalam nasi goreng.

Sedap Sakura Ebi ini bukan sahaja sesuai untuk nasi goreng tetapi boleh juga dimasukkan dalam sebarang sayur yang digoreng. Boleh didapati dipasaraya yang menjual bahan-bahan untuk pegawai dagang, biasanya pasaraya yang menjual bahan-bahan dari Jepun.

Dikesempatan pagi Jumaat ini saya ingin mengucapkan berbanyak terima kasih kepada Kak Jee dari Dapur Kak Jee kerana sudi menganugerahkan Versatile Blogger Award kepada saya. Thanks Kjee, saya menghargainya. Saya mengenali Kak Jee melalui tulisan-tulisanya dalam akhbar dan baru-baru ini banyak update berita terkini boleh didapati melalui blog Kjee. Click sini untuk mengenali Kjee dengan lebih dekat.

Next Post - Almond Chocolate Cookies



This shortbread recipe is very simple and uses just flour, sugar, butter and a little bit of salt. It's tender, melt in your mouth texture. The shortbread have a wonderful consistency and a very buttery flavor, with just a hint of sweetness that makes them satisfying. .

Scottish Shortbread - Adapted from bakingbites,com
3 cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup unsalted butter (pref. European-style), chilled

  1. Preheat oven to 350F.
  2. In the bowl of a food processor, combine flour, sugar and salt. Pulse a few times to blend.
  3. Cut butter into large chunks and add to food processor. Whiz for about 1 minute, until dough has a very sandy and starts to clump together. Pour into a 9-inch square pan and spread into an even layer. Use a flat-bottomed glass to press down the dough firmly, creating as smooth a surface as possible.
  4. Score dough lightly with a knife, marking 4 rows by 8 rows of shortbread pieces. Dock the dough with a fork, if desired.
  5. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until shortbread is lightly browned all over.
  6. While the shortbread is still hot, use a sharp knife to cut shortbread all the way through along the lines you scored prior to baking. Allow shortbread to cool completely once it has been cut.
  7. When cool, shortbread pieces should break apart very easily. Store in an airtight container.
  8. Makes 32 pieces.

Recipe shortbread yang paling mudah dan ringkas, bahan yang digunakan pun memang sentiasa ada dalam stok simpanan kita. Resipi ini selalu digunakan untuk HITEA terutama apabila kita membuat persiapan untuk English Tea Party. Very buttery dan tekturnya amat lembut.

Next Post - Breakfast Menu

Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is an instant anchovies fritters that I made for breakfast this morning. Just follow the instruction from the packaging, however to make more impact on the fritters I added some slice onion, chopped green onion, and bird's eys chilli. Serve best with chili sauce while it is still hot.

Kadang-kadang buntu juga memikirkan apa yang hendak disediakan untuk sarapan pagi, seperti pagi ini saya memang sudah ketandusan idea tentang apa yang hendak disiapkan untuk sarapan. Nasib baik anak saya Myraz cadangkan buat cucur adabi katanya teringin tenguk kawanya bawa bekal ke sekolah. Jadi bagai pucuk dicipta ulam mendatang grap aje bungkusan tepung adabi ini dan jadilah cucur bilis adabi sebagai sarapan pagi tadi. Untuk tidak menampakkan terlalu kosong saya masukkan juga sedikit ikan bilis, bawang besar, daun bawang dan cili padi yang dihiris halus. Sedap makan panas-panas dengan cili sos.

Next Post -  Scottish Shortbread



Simple dish yet delicious. Best accompany other main course or prepare as on-dish-meal with rice. Simple ingredients and simple preparations.

1 bunch French Beans cut into 1 ' lenghth/ 1 Genggam kacang buncis dipotong 1 " panjang
2 eggs make into scramble eggs / 2 biji telur goreng macam telur pecah
1 red bell pepper julienne / 1 biji lada benggala merah hiris memanjang
1 onion thinly slice / 1 biji bawang merah dihiris nipis
1/2 cup chicken stock / 1/2 cawan stok ayam
salts to taste / garam secukup rasa

Heat up oil and saute slice onion till soft / Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang besar sehingga layu
Add French beans and bell pepper / Masukkan buncis dan cili benggala
Add chicken stock and salts to taste / Masukkan stok ayam dan garam secukup rasa
Finally add in the scramble eggs / Akhir sekali masukkan telur
Ready to serve / Sedia dihidang

Resipi mudah, ringkas dan menyelerakan. Sesuai dijadikan sajian sampingan untuk hidangan tengah hari atau malam. Sedap dan ranggup.

Next Post - Breakfast Menu

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


A simple chicken fillet fried with Hoisen Sauce and Kaffir Leaves. Best accompanied other main dishes. Easy and fast to prepare. A pan fry technique for quick cooking. It's yummy and perfect for one-dish-meal over hot steam rice

300 g chicken fillet / 300 g isi ayam
2 kaffir leaves thinly slice / 2 helai daun limau dihiris nipis-nipis
1 fresh tomato cut into ring / 1 biji tomato dipotong bulat
1 onion cut into ring / 1 biji bawang besar dipotong bulat
7-9 bird's eyes chilies crushed / 7-9 biji cili padi diketuk
5 cloves garlic-pounded / 5 ulas bawang putih ditumbuk
2' ginger - pounded / 2" halia ditumbuk
1/2 cup chicken stock / 1/2 cawan stok ayam
For The Sauce
2 tbsp Hoisen sauce / 2 sdb Sos Hoisen
1 tbsp Oyster Sauce / 1 sdb Sos Tiram
2 tbsp light Soy Sauce / 2 sdb Kicap Cair
1 tsp white peppercorns / 1 sdt lada sulah

Mix all the sauce and marinade the chicken for a minimum 1 hour / Campurkan semua sos dan perap dengan ayam sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam.
Heat up oil and stir fry pounded garlic and ginger. Add chicken and stir fry till golden brown / Panaskan minyak tumiskan bawang putih dan halia. masukkan dan goreng ayam sehingga garing.
Add in chicken stock / Masukkan stok ayam
Add kaffir leaves, onion, crushed chilies and tomato. / Masukkan daun limau, cili padi, bawang besar dan tomato.
Combine well and ready to serve / Gaulkan rata dan siap dihidang

Resipi mudah dan ringkas. Ayam diperap bersama sos Hoisen, sos Tiram dan Kicap cair. Dogoreng hingga agak garing dan dimasukkan semua bahan-bahan lain. Sajian ini sesuai dimakan macam kita makan Nasi Paprik. Mudah dan sedap.

Next Post - Stir Fry French Beans With Bell Pepper / Buncis Goreng Cili Benggala



Dried Tofu Skin, Kim Chai, Glass Noodles and Wood Ear Mushrooms are ingredients ideal for vegetarian diet. They are rich in protein. The combination of these four item made a healthy soups and popular among the Chinese. However this time around I added porch eggs and cooked these vegetarian favorite the Malay style, "masak lemak putih", using coconut. Try this Malay way dried's delicious.

2 sticks dried bean curd, cut to 2-inch lengths / 2 batang fucuk dikerat 1" panjang rendam
A handful of glass noodles / 1 genggam suon - rendam dahulu

A handful of kim chai  / 1 genghgam kincai direndam
1 cup Wood Ear Mushrooms, cut into smaller pieces / 1 cawan cendawan telinga direndam
2 potatoes quartered / 2 biji kentang dibelah empat

2 eggs / 2 biji telur
2 red chilies slice thinly / 2 biji cili merah dihiris nipis
1 onion slic thinly / 1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis
2 cups thick coconut milek / 2 cawan santan pekat

1 cup chicken stock / 1 cawan stok ayam
1/2 tsp chicken cube / 1/2 sdt kube ayam
salt to taste
1. Boil chicken stock with potato till potatoes tender / Rebus ubi kentang dengan stok ayam sehingga ubi empuk
2. Add coconut milks and all other ingredients  / Masukkan santan dan bahan-bahan lain.
3. Slowly break in the eggs / perlahan-lahan pecahkan telur di dalamnya.

4. Add salt and chicken cube / Masukkan garam dan kube ayam
5. Serve with hot rice.


Sayur fucuk, suon, kimchai dan cendawan telinga adalah bahan-bahan yang kerap dimasak untuk vegetarian cooking. Biasanya dibuat sup, tapi kali ini saya masak lemak putih. Perghhh.... memang sedap, kena pula dengan sambal memang mantap.

Next Post - Kaffir Leave Fried Chicken / Ayam Goreng Daun Limau



Good Morning All, today for breakfast I had half boiled eggs with Toast a Kopitiam Way. This is my daughter's favorite, half boiled eggs on a toasted bread. It's also coffee shop favorite breakfast menu. A simple breakfast but tricky to get a perfect half boiled eggs done properly. I learned to make this from Ayee, a Chinese Coffee Shop lady. Important of getting the eggs done perfectly is to make sure you use hot boiling water and drop cover the eggs for 3-5 minutes. Water must be really boiling water. For the bread I used Hainan White Bread. 

ENJOY this healthy breakfast of mine.

Telur Setengah Masak Atas Roti Bakar, kegemaran anak saya Tyca. Selalu minta breakfast ni tapi saya malas hendak buat..bukan apa kadang-kadang tak jadi...susah juga hendak dapatkan telur setengah masak yang bergoyang-goyang atas roti. Tapi kali ini dengan petua Ayee dari Kopitiam favorite saya di Penang, saya belajar pertuanya. Rendam telur dalam air mendidih selama 3-5 minit. Guna mangkuk dan penutup. Alhamdulillah menjadi kali ini dan cantik pula. Dah siap toast dan telur ini jangan lupa sediakan garam halus dan lada sulah..ini pelengkapnya. Untuk roti pula saya guna roti putih Hainan. Roti ini sudah siap dibuang tepinya, memang lembut roti dan cukup sedap bila dibakar.

Next Post - Telur Masak lemak Putih bersama Fucuk


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Speaking about Pineapple Tarts, we all differ in opinion as to what makes a good pastry. Some likes the pastry firm and biscuit-like, some likes it firm but yet tender, and some likes it crumbly and melt-in-the mouth.  So which is your preferences? If you love the melt-in-the-mouth type, I just like to share with you the recipe that I discovered during the recent "Raya Open House" spree. Try add 2 tbsp of ghee to your can see, feel and taste the different. I got this secret recipe from a friend of mine. Her tarts were fantastic melt-in-the-mouth type and as you can see above were the verdict of my experiment. Awesome!!!

250 g butter / 250 g mentega
2 tbsp ghee / 2 sdb ghee
1tsp salts / 1 sdt garam
450 g flour / 450 g tepung
1 egg yolk / 1 kuning telur
2 tbsp icing sugar / 2 sdb gula ising.

Combine butter and ghee./ Satukan ghee dan mentega
Combine flour and salts / Satukan tepung dan garam
Beat butter mixture with sugar.  Add egg yolk. Whisk and add in flour to form soft dough./Pukul mentega dan gula. Kemudian masukkan telur kuning. Kacau sebati dan masukkan tepung. Gaul rata sehingga terbentuk doh yang lembut.


Bercakap tentang tart nenas, paling penting untuk mendapatkan tart yang enak bergantung kepada, satu inti nenasnya dan yang kedua pastrinya. Selalunya akan terdapat perbezaan tentang pastri yang baik. Ada yang suka pastri seperti biskut, ada suka yang lembut dan ada juga suka yang gebu dan cair di mulut. So bila kita telah membuat pilihan pastri mana yang kita suka, maka kita akan pastikan yang kita menggunakan resipi yang betul supaya mendapatkan hasil yang betul. Jika anda sukakan tart yang pastrinya gebu dan cair di mulut ini adalah salah satu resipi yang saya perolehi semasa menghadiri rumah terbuka seorang teman. Wah...tartnya cukup gebus......memang kena dengan citarasa saya. Saya bernasib baik kerana tuan rumah tidak lokek dan sanggup berkongsi rahsia keenakkan tartnya. Rahsianya ialah 2 sdb minyak sapi disatukan dalam adunan mentega. lain-lain bahan tart adalah sama. Saya baru aje mencubanya dan di atas adalah hasil ujian saya. memang gebus.....

Next Post - Breakfast Menu



This is another of my favorite vegetables dish. Normally when I cooked green mustard I only used the stem, the leaves, I served as "ulam" aka salad. This time around I used both stem and the leaves. I made it a bit soupy with slice of shitake mushroom. Sweet and tasty.

300 g Chinese Green Mustard cut into small pieces / 300 g sawi Cina dipotong kecil
3 cloves garlic - chopped / 3 ulas bawang putih dicincang
5-6 pieces shitake mushroom slice thinly / 5-6 keping cawan shitake hiris nipis
1/2 cup chicken stock/ 1/2 cawan stok ayam
1 tsp cornflour / 1 sdt tepung jagung
3 Tbsp water / 3 sdb air

    • 1 tsp oyster sauce / 1 sdt sos tiram
    • ¼ tsp chicken stock granules / 1/4 sdt pati kube ayam
    • 1/8 tsp pepper / 1/8 sdt lada sulah
    • ½ tsp sugar or to taste / 1/2 dt gula
    • ½ tsp sesame oil / 1/2 sdt minyak bijan
    • 1 tsp cornflour / 1 sdt tepung jagung
    • 3 Tbsp water / 3 sdb air

    1. Mix all the sauce ingredients and set aside / Satukan semua bahan sos dan letak sebelah.
    2. Heat oil in a wok. Saute the chopped garlic for 1 minute / Panaskan minyak dan tumis bawang putih selama 1 minit.
    3. Add the Green mustard and shitake mushroom, stir fry for another 2 minutes. Stir in sauce and add 1/2 cup chicken stock and bring to boil for another 2 minutes. / Masukkan sawi , cendawan dan stok ayam. Masak lagi dua minit
    4. Stir in cornstarch mixture and simmer for a while till thicken /Masukkan campuran tepung jagung dan biarkan pekat sedikit.


Satu lagi resipi favorite saya, Sawi Cina Goreng Cendawan. Sawi ini biasanya kalau saya masak, saya cuma gunakan batangnya aje, kali ini saya masak sekali dengan daunya. Cukup ranggup dan manis. Buatkan ia berkuah sedikit, masukkan tepung jagung untuk memekatkan kuat. Memang mantap.

Next Post - Ghee Pineapple Tart



Simple and delicious stir fry French Beans with chicken that I love so much. Simple ingredients and easy to prepare. Serve best with steam rice or eat by itself. This Chinese Style stir fry vegetables are popular in Chinese Restuarant. Try sure love it!!!

    • 1 bunch French Beans cut 1" length / 1 cekak kacang buncis potong 1" panjang
    • 100 g chicken fillet cut into bite sizes / 100 g isi ayam potong kecil
    • 1 onion cut into ring / 1 biji bawang besar potong bulat
    • 5 cloves garlic chopped / 5 ulas bawang putih dicincang
    • 2 tbsp light soya sauce / 2 sdb kicap cair
    • 2 tbsp oil / 2 sdb minyak
      • 1 tsp oyster sauce / 1 sdt sos tiram
      • ¼ tsp chicken stock granules / 1/4 sdt pati kube ayam
      • 1/8 tsp pepper / 1/8 sdt lada sulah
      • ½ tsp sugar or to taste / 1/2 dt gula
      • ½ tsp sesame oil / 1/2 sdt minyak bijan
      • 1 tsp cornflour / 1 sdt tepung jagung
      • 3 Tbsp water / 3 sdb air

    • Method

    Lightly marinate diced chicken with light soy sauce and oil./ Perap isi ayam dengan kicap cair dan minyak
    Heat oil and sesame oil in a wok, fry  garlic,until fragrant./ Panaskan minyak dan minyak bijan dan tumis bawang putih sehingga wangi dan kekuningan
    Add marinated chicken, followed by combined sauce ingredients. Stir-fry briefly. / Masukkan ayam dan bahan sos. Goreng rata
    Add French beans and stir-fry to mix well. Finally add in onion. Dish out and garnish with chilli and spring onion./ Masukkan buncis dan kacau rata. Akhir sekali masukkan bawang besar.
    Resipi buncis goreng kegemaran saya. Saya suka cara masakan Cina ini, ranggup dan manis. Isi ayam diperapkan dahulu supaya mesra. Selalunya kalau masak ini saya memang tidak sentuh lauk lain. Cukup makan dengan nasi aje.

    Next Post - Stir Fry Green Mustard With Shitake Mushroom



I don't really fancy instant noodles but some how last night before I went to bed I saw this tempting picture of an awesome bowl of instant noodles changed my breakfast menu this morning. I always have instant noodles stock, it's the children favorite, when ever they stay up late they go for theses noodles. I made this one with just enough soup to keep the noodles soupy, added some shrimps, thin slice of beef and some vegetable. Serve with poached eggs and some green chilies pickles.

- ENJOY my simple Tuesday breakfast!!!!

Selalunya tekak ni tak jalan dengan mee segera, tetapi entah macam mana semalam terpandang gambar mee segera, tiba-tiba terasa teringin pula. Cadangan asal pagi ni nak buat French Toast, terus tak jadi, terus tukar plan. Saya buat mee segera untuksarapan pagi tadi. Saya buat yang berkuah, masukkan sedikit udang, hirisan daging dan sayuran. Hidang bersama telur dan cili jeruk.  Wah....hebat juga. Itu aje menu breakfast pagi ini.

Next Post - Vegetables Recipe


Spicy Beef soup introduced here is a very simple spicy soup the Mamak's Style. The basic preparation of this soup is by simmering beef in stocks, where spices bag are placed in. I used store bought soup powder from the Mamak's Shop. This soup is so rich in intriguing flavors, vibrant in color and full of tantalizing aromas. You can see the soup look's close to korma, I used fabulous blend of spices. It's so hearty and satisfying. Best with rice or bread.

Don't limit yourself to just beef flesh, you can mix with bone marrow, and other parts of the beef of your preference. These add more flavor to the soup.

Spicy  Beef Soup 

1 kg beef - you can mix with bone marrow and other part of the beef if you like / 1 kg daging lembu boleh dicampur dengan bahagian-bahagian lain jika anda suka
3 potatoes quartered / 2 biji kentang dibelah empat
2 carrots diced / 2 batang carrot dipotong dadu
2 fresh tomatoes quartered /2 biji tomato segar dibelah empat
1 cinnamon stick / 1 batang kulit kayu manis
3 anise star / 3 kuntum bunga lawang
5 cardamon pods / 5 biji buah pelaga
7 cloves / 7 biji bunga cengkih
3 sprig green onions chopped / 3 tangkai daun bawang dan daun sup dihiris halus
fried shallots / bawang goreng
1 blade screwpine leaf / 1 helai daun pandan
2 strig coriander leaves / 2 tangkai daun ketumbar
1.5 litre water or beef stock / 1.5 litre air atau stok daging
1 ladle soup powder or 2 packet from the normal shop / 1 senduk rempah soup daging atau 2 paket rempah sup biasa
salts to taste/ garam secukup rasa.

Ingredients to be grounded
15 shallots / 15 biji bawang merah
7 cloves garlic / 7 ulas bawang putih
2" ginger / 2" halia

Blend all into wet paste and mix with the soup powder / Blend semua bahan dan campurkan dengan rempah sup.


  1. Bring the stock / water  and beef to boil and simmer it./ Rebuskan daging bersama stok dan air.
  2. Wrap the cinnamon stick, star anise, cloves, spices seeds, and coriander stalk in a muslin cloth and tie securely./ Bungkus kayu manis, bunga lawang, cengkih dan buah pelaga dengan kain kasa dan masukkan ke dalam air rebusan daging. Masukkan juga daun pandan dan batang daun ketumbar. Renehkan sehingga daging agak empuk.
  3. Place the wrapped spices into the pot and add in the screwpine leaf, blended ingredients and soup powder. Simmer until beef almost tender./ Masukkan rempah soup yang dibancuh dengan bahan giling. Renehkan lagi sehingga rempah dan sup mesra.
  4. Add in potatoes, simmer for another 20 minutes. Add carrots and salts to taste./ Masukkan kentang dan terus reneh sehingga kentang empuk. Kemudian masukkan karot, garam secukup rasa. Apabila sudah hampir selesai baru masukkan buah tomato.
  5. Sprinkle with fried shallots and chopped green onion while serving / Taburkan bawang goreng dan daun bawang dan daun sup semasa menghidang.


Sup ini memang kaya dengan rempahnya, malah sekali lihat seakan-akan daging masak korma, memang pekat dan cukup berempah. Saya tidak menumis sup ini sebaliknya merenehkan daging dan bahan sup sehingga mesra dan daging benar-benar empuk. Sup-sup seperti ini tidak perlu ditumis kerana dalam proses mereneh, daging banyak mengeluarkan lemak dan akan berminyak.

Saya menggunakan rempah sup yang dibeli dikedai mamak memang cukup special rasa dan aromanya cukup menyenangkan. Untuk membuat sup ini jangan hadkan kepada isi daging aje, kalau hendakkan sup yang mantap masukkan juga tulang-tulang dan bahagian-bahagian daging yang lain. Ini menambahkan kemanisan asli pada sup. Jika suka boleh masukkan kentang,karot dan tomato segar.

Next Post - Breakfast Menu


Monday, September 26, 2011


In lost as what to cook for lunch today???. That's a daily issues that we home maker faced. So how about Egg Korma??.. This is my family favorite. I have here with me a Malay version of korma, adapted from the Chicken Korma recipe. It's delicious and tasty. Best with steam rice or even bread.

10 hard boiled eggs / 10 biji telur rebus
5 Tbsp / 1 ½ oz Ghee (Minyak Sapi)/ 5 sdb minyak sapi
1 Onion, peeled and finely sliced / 1 biji bawang besar dihiris nipis
3 green chilies halved  / 3 biji cili hijau dibelah dua
2 potatoes quartered / 2 biji kentang dibelah empat
2 fresh tomato quartered / 2 biji tomato segar dibelah dua
2 sprig coriander leaves / 2 tangkai daun ketumbar
1 blade screwpine leaf / 1 helai daun pandan 
1 cup thin coconut milk / 1 cawan santan cair
1 cup water / 1 cawan air
1/2 cup yogurt or tairu / 1/2 cawan tairu atau yogurt
2 packet korma powder / 2 paket rempah korma

Limes (Limau Nipis) – halved  
4 cm / 2 inch Cinnamon Bark (Kulit Kayu Manis)
Star Anise / 3 kuntum bunga lawang
Cardamom Pods  / 5 biji buah pelaga
Cloves  / 5 kuntum bunga cengkih

Paste Ingredients  (to be finely grounded):

15 Shallot (Red Onion), peeled / 15 biji bawang merah
5 Garlic cloves, peeled / 5 ulas bawang putih 
 2 cm / 1 inch of Ginger, peeled / 2" halia

7 green chilies / 7 biji cili hijau

Blend all ingredients and mix with korma powder / Blend semua bahan dan campur dengan rempah korma


Heat up oil and fry the hard boiled eggs till golden brown/ panaskan minyak dan goreng telur rebus sehingga kekuningan

In another pot melt Ghee in a pot and fry sliced onion. Add in spices: Cinnamon, Star Anise, Cardamom, Cloves. Fry till fragrant and golden./ Dalam periuk lain tumiskan bawang besar bersama daun pandan dan empat sekawan sehingga naik baunya.

Add in blended ingredients stir fry  for approximately 20 minutes over moderate heat till excess oil begins to appear on the surface. / Masukkan bahan yang diblend dan renehkan selama 20 minit atau sehingga naik minyak.

Add in Coconut Milk, water and potatoes Also add in salt, and sugar to taste. 
Stir well and simmer gently over a low fire till gravy thickens and potatoes becomes tender (approximately 35 minutes). / Masukkan santan, air dan kentang. Masukkan garam dan gula secukup rasa. Kacau sehingga kuahnya pekat.

Just prior to serving, add in Eggs, Yoghurt, a squeeze of fresh Lime Juice, and Coriander leaves, and the remaining Green Chilies. Fold them together and simmer for another half a minute./ Sebelum padamkan api masukkan telur, yogurt, air limau nipis, daun ketumbar, cili hijau dan tomato buah. Biarkan seketika baru padamkan api.Dish onto a serving plate. 

Bingung tak tahu apa nak masak hari ini apa kata cuba Korma Telur. Menu bajet dan menyelerakan.

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