
Wednesday, July 06, 2011


This sour sop drink is really fantastic. 

I first encounter this in Medan, Indonesia, during our Company product launching. 

Just imagine a sour fruits turned into a nice sweet drinks. Ever since then if I happened to bound into this sour sop I will buy and prepare this drinks. 

Ripe Soursop (Guanabana)
5 tbsp Condensed Milk
5 tbsp Evaporated Milk
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring
3 cups of water
½ cup of Ice (crushed)

Wash the fruit to remove any dirt or foreign matter. 

Peel the fruit, by hand, and set in a large mixing bowl.

Add water to the fruit in the mixing bowl. 

Using your hand, squeeze the fruit in the water and remove all the seeds. This will take about 2-3 minutes.

Pour the water and fruit mix in the Electric Blender and add all the other ingredients, except grated nutmeg. Turn the switch to puree.

Remove the pureed juice from the blender, add water if necessary to thin out the mixture.

Serve in 16 oz glass with ice cubes. Add a dash of nutmeg to each glass before serving.


Kenikamatan yang sukar digambarkan, saya memang sukup suka dengan jus ini, bayangkan buah yang masam boleh menjadi satu minuman yang begitu nikmat. Cukup sedap dan sesuai dengan cuaca panas.

Next Post - Gulai Ikan Talang Masin



  1. Assalamualaikum Kak Paty

    How are u getting on?? Sour Sop drink is one of my favourite. Thanks for sharing recipe kak. I should try this recipe bila ada musim nanti.

  2. Assalam Kak Paty..

    Saya suka sangat buah durian belanda ni... ingat masa zaman budak2 dulu.. buat aiskrim malaysia dengan buah ni.. sedapnyerrrr.. I kalau mkn kat luar pun selalu order jus durian belanda ni.. memang besttt!!

  3. Salam Nur, ini memang favorite akak pun kadang kala tu makan gitu aje, Suka buahnya.

  4. Salam madhiha lama tak dengar cite...hemm... buah ni pun sekarang dah mahal ya, dah commercial jadi harga pun naik. Apa pun kalau dah suka beli jugala ya
