
Thursday, June 02, 2011


Bananas make lovely healthy smoothie recipes. I like to use bananas that are really ripe.. I got 1 bunch of bananas from a friend, made some muffins and cake some I reserved for this smoothie. Love it  having breakfast.

This recipe is delicious and easy to make. you can serve this as a breakfast for your children because they have many activities and they need lots of nutrition to keep their health.

If you like your smoothies cold then you can use frozen banana chunks to sweeten and chill them. To freeze bananas first peel, then slice them, and store in a container in your freezer. Frozen banana chunks are good in smoothies, and make a gorgeous dairy-free ice-cream. Unless you have a seriously heavy duty blender it's a good idea to let frozen banana slices defrost for a few minutes before blending or you can use crushed ice together while blending.

I topped my banan smoothie with some blueberry....OMG!!!! it was Try's really soothing.


2 banans sliced - freeze if you want it cold
1 1/2 cup yogurt of your favorite chocie - I used natural
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup plain water
some fresh blueberry


Put all ingredients in a blender and blend till smooth. Top with blueberry.


Banana Smoothie ini adalah sesuai untuk lawas perut dan banyak khasiatnya dari segi kesihatan. Jika ada pisang dirumah tu ambil dan blend, sedap, sesuai untuk anak-anak. Saya masukkan sedikit yogurt , madu dan campur sedikit blueberry. Biasanya diambil waktu pagi bersama sarapan pagi. Cukup menyegarkan!!!!!

Next Post - Custard Fresh Fruits Pie / Pie Buah-Buah Segar Berkastad.


1 comment:

  1. suka smoothies!! and this one with! x pernah try letak buah mcm ni utk smoothie..thanks for sharing~~
