
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


1 kg chickencut 16 pcs / 1 k g ayam dipotong 16
2 cup coconut milk / 2 cawan santan
8 - 10 Thai egglants / 8 - 10 biji terung Thai
2 tbsp fish sauce / 2 sdb sos ikan
1 1/2 tbsp sugar palm / 1 1/2 gula merah
1/2 cup basil leaves / 1/2 cawan daun selasih
4 -5 kaffir lime leaves / 4 -5 helai daun limau perut.
3 chilies halved / 3 biji cili hijau belah dua
Green paste / paste hijau
The green curry paste
This green curry paste recipe from Thailand goes with our Thai Green Curry Recipe. It can also be used to prepare any type of green curry, especially with beef, chicken or catfish. You may store it in a small freezer storage bag up to one week refrigerated or frozen for up to 1 year.
15 large fresh green hot chilies / 15 biji cii hijau
15 bird's eyes chilies / 15 biji cili padi - OPTIONAL IF YOU WANT IT HOT
3 shallots / 3 biji bawang merah
9 cloves garlic / 9 ulas bawang putih
1 fresh galangal / 1 " lengkuas
lemon grass / 1 batang serai
kaffir lime rind / 2  helai daun limau perut
1 strand chopped coriander root / 1 tangkai daun ketumbar
1 tsp white peppercorns 1 sdt lada putih
1 tbsp roasted coriander seeds**/ 1 sdb ketumbar biji disangrai
1 tsp roasted cumin seeds*/ 1 sdt jintan manis
1 tsp shrimp paste / 1 sdt belacan

Grind all into paste./ Blend atau giling semua bahan sehingga halus

  1. Pour about 1 cup coconut cream  in a pot, bring to boil on medium heat, then add green curry paste. / Didihkan separuh santan dengan pes cili hijau atas api sederhana.
  2. Stir until thoroughly mixed and let it boil until some oil appear on surface, stir constantly. / Kacau rata-rata dan renehkan sehingga berminyak dipermukaan.
  3. When coconut cream has an oily sheen, add meat, stir well until the meat are getting cook./ Masukkan daging dan kacau, biar sehingga daging empuk.
  4. Meanwhile, add coconut milk about 2 tbsp each time (add about 3 times) and stir regularly./ Masukan santan sedikit demi sedikit lebih kurang 3 kali. jangan habiskan santan, simpan sedikit untuk dimasuk pada peringkat akhir. 
  5. Add the remaining coconut milk, season with fish sauce and sugar, stir well, reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 30 minutes or until the meat are tendered./ Masukkan santan selebihnya, sos ikan, dan gula. Kacau rata dan perlahankan api, reneh selama 30 minit lagi. 
  6. Clean Thai eggplants, remove stem, cut into 4-6 pieces and put into salted water (2 cups water and 1 tsp salt) to prevent oxidation. / Bersihkan terung dan belah 4 dan rendam dalam air garam untuk oxidantkannya.
  7. Wash sweet basil, chilies, and kaffir lime leaves, pat dry, pick only sweet basil leaves from stem, slice chillies, and remove central stem of kaffir lime leaves./ Bersihkan  daun selasih, daun limau perut dan belahan cili.
  8. When the meat are tendered, soak cut Thai eggplants, and add in a pot, stir well. (If the curry is too thick, you can add ½ - 1 cup of water in it and taste as you like.) / Bila daging dah empuk masukkan terung dan kacau rata, masukkan air jika perlu.
  9. Bring to boil on medium heat, add sweet basil leaves, kaffir lime leaves, and sliced chilies, stir together and remove from heat./ Akhir sekali masukkan daun selasih, daun limau perut dan belahan cili. 
  10. Spoon the curry in a bowl and serve immediately./ Sedia  dihidang.

Next Post - Thai Squid Salad / Kerabu Sotong Thai


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