
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


French Toast is still an all time favorite when come to breakfast selection menu. You will never get bored with it. This is another recipe that I learned from my Home Science Class and also my family top 5 breakfast menu. My children love it with maple syrup and blueberry jam. I sometimes add some cinnamon powder in the eggs batter.

French Toast is very accommodating. You can add spices to the eggs and milk mixture, like cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, orange or lemon zest or even orange flower water, others prefer cream or even buttermilk. it will soak up the egg mixture.

Once you have cooked the French Toast there is always the question of how it should be served. Many just like to sprinkle a little powdered sugar over the top while others like it with pure maple syrup. As a brunch dish, serve with maple syrup along with fresh berries, slices of peaches or bananas, or even sliced apples that have been sauteed in a little butter, sugar, and ground cinnamon. Yet another idea is to spread your favorite jam over each slice and, if you are feeling indulgent, top with a little softly whipped cream or clotted cream. 

French Toast is also excellent with berry sauces; sauces such as Blueberry,Strawberry, or evenRaspberry, with or without fresh berries on the side. - ENJOY your breakfast.


4 eggs / 4 biji telur
1 tsp sugar (optional) / 1 sdt gula
1 tsp salts / 1 sdt garam
1 cup milk / 1 cawan susu
10 - 12 slices white bread /10 - 12 keping roti
butter /mentega
maple syrup / sirap maple
  1. Break eggs into wide and shallow bowl, beat lightly with fork. Stir in sugar, salts and milk./Pecahkan telur dalam mangkok yang besar dan cetek. Masukkan garam gula dan susu. Pukul dengan gerafu perlahan-lahan.
  2. Over medium low heat, heat griddle or skillet coated with a thin layer of butter./ Panaskan kuali pada api yang perlahan.Keserkan dengan mentega.
  3. Place bread slices one at a time into the bowl letting slices soak up egg mixture for a few seconds, then carefully turn to coat the other side/ Soal/coat as many slices as you will be cooking at one time./ Celupkan roti satu persatu dan balikkan depan belakang sehingga telur betul-betul meresap pada roti.
  4. Transfer bread to the griddle or skillet heating slowly until bottom is golden brown. Turn and brown the other side./ Letakkan roti dalam kuali dan goreng hingga kekuningan. Balik-balikkan.
  5. Serve French Toast with maple syrup and jam/ Hidang bersama sirap maple dan jam/

Ini adalah salah satu lagi sajian yang saya berlajar di sekolah. Mudah membuatnya, sedap dimakan panas-panas. French Toast seperti juga dengan Pancake boleh dimakan dengan berbagai sajian sampingan seperti buah-buahan, cokolat krim, ais krim dan apa saja. Sesuai untuk sarapan pagi dan merupakan menu favorite yang diamalkan di seluruh dunia.

Next Post - Thai Set Lunch - Thai Chicken Green Curry and Squid Salad


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