
Saturday, January 22, 2011


I cooked this, during the Thaipusam Public Holiday. As usual my children were back for the holidays, and eldest requested for a Chinese course, so I prepared Siakap Steam Chinese Style, Steam Tofu, Stir Fried Bok Choy and Sambal Udang for lunch. This is an authentic Chinese menu with minced meat I used shredded Chicken instead. I love the combination of chicken and oyster sauce. Adding some mushroom such as dried mushroom or button mushroom will better enhance this menu.

1 piece Japanese Tofu / 1 keping tofu Jepun
3 cups chicken meat cut thinly / 3 cawan isi ayan potong kecil-kecil
1 packet glass noodles soak and steam / 1 paket suon rendam dan kukus
2 spring onions - cut small/ 2 tangkai daun bawang
2 cloves of garlic / 2 ulas bawang putih
2 tbsp of soy sauce 2 sdb kicap cair
1/2 tsp sugar/ 1/2 sdt gula
1/2 cup of chicken stock + 1 tsp of cornstarch/ 1/2 cawan stok ayan + 1am dan
tepung jagung
Dash of sesame oil / beberapa titik minyak bijan
salt and pepper to taste/garam dan lada sulah secukup rasa

Marinate for chicken

1 tbsp of oyster sauce/ 1 sdb sos tiram
1 tbsp of soy sauce/ 1 sdb kicap cair

Marinate the meat and set aside for 15 minutes./. Perap ayam dengan bahan perasa selama 15 minit
2. In a steamer, steam the tofu and glass noodles for about 5 minutes. Remove the excess water and set aside./ Kukus tofu dan suon selama 5 minit
3. Heat up the oil in a pan. Add the garlic and saute until fragrant. Add the meat and and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes./ Panaskan kuali, tumis bawang putih. Masukkan ayam yang diperap tok ayam adi m.asak 2-3 minit
4. Add add sugar, soy sauce and pepper and immediately stir in the chicken stock. Bring it up to a boil and cook until sauce thicken. / Masukkan gula, garam, lada sulah, st dan sos. Masak sehingga masak dan curah ke atas tofu.
5. Pour the sauce over the tofu and garnish with spring onions and dash of sesame oil. serve warm

Tofu ni saya masak masa cuti Thaipusam baru-baru ni, biasalah anak-anak balik bercuti. Anak sulung saya Ayu, minta Chinese course, so saya buat tofu ni, Siakap Steam Chinese Style, Stir Fried Bok Choy dan sambal udang.  Resipi tofu ini adalah resipi masakan Cina tulin, jarang kita dapat menu ni di restuarant Melayu. Biasanya digunakan daging kisar, tapi saya lebih suka guna daging yang diracik-racik, terasa isinya. Lebih enak kalau ditambahkan dengan cendawan butang. Saya terlupa nak beli cendawan butang, so pakai apa aje.


Next Post - Siakap Steam Chinese Style


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