
Saturday, January 22, 2011


This was an amazing treat! I used to watched Martha Stewart Show, and when come Christmas, she will features Eggnog recipe.  I was looking for something just like this but without alcohol. I made them totally different..! I guess, you can say I got the idea from this recipe, but I made them so different! I added jelly powder then I made them into puddings, and chill them. Dash with cinnamon powder and garnish with chocolate.They basically taste like custard pudding. So rich and melt-in-your-mouth delish. And so easy to make.

3 fresh eggs / 3 biji telur segar
3/4 cup sugar / 3/4 cawan gula
1 cup fresh milk / 1 cawan susu segar
1 cup thick cream / 1 cawan krim kental
1 tsp jelly powder / 1 sdt serbuk jelly
cinnamon powder / serbuk kayu manis

  1. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. It's a good idea to separate the whites from one egg into a small bowl and if the separation is a success (no yolk gets in), pour the whites from that egg into the large bowL/Asingkan putih telur dengan kuning telur.
  2. Mix half the sugar into the egg whites / Campurkan separuh gula kedalam putih telur 
  3. Beat the egg whites/Pukul putih telur dan gula hingga gebu
  4. Mix the remaining half of the sugar into t.he egg yolks./Masukkan separuh lagi gula kedlam kuning telur, pukul hingga naik
  5. Gently mix the egg yolks into the beaten egg whites while pouring slowly (the goal is to keep the fluffiness of the whites)./Masukkan adunan kuning telur kedalam adunan putih telur, gaul rata.
  6. Heat up milk and cream over low heat. Slowly add in powdered jelly and stir constantly until slightly thicken. Pour the milk into the mixture and gently stir it in./Panaskan susu dan krim masukkan serbuk jelly, kacau atas api kecil sehingga agak pekat. Perlahan-lahan curahkan kedalam adunan telur tadi.
  7. Ladle the eggnog into a glass or cup, chill overnight. To serve sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top of the frothy, tasty eggnog./Sendukkan kedalam acuan dan biarkan sejuk. Seelok-eloknya semalaman. Taburkan serbuk kayu manis dan hidang.

Eggnog adalah adunan telur yang dicampur dengan alkohol terutama rum dan bourbon,biasanya di sediakan pada perayaan Krismas. Saya tertarik dengan resipi ini apabila menonton program Martha Stewart. Agak pelik apabila melihat bagaimana telur dicampurkan dengan alkohol dijadikan satu sajian. Eggnog ini memang menjadi kegemaran masyarakat Amerika. Melihatkan kepada keunikan sajian ini saya mula mengikuti dan membuat pengolahan mengikut citarasa Malaysia iaitu tanpa alkohol dan dimasak menjadi seperti  pudding. Rasanya seperti pudding kastard. Lemak dan berkerim. Anak-anak menyukainya. Seelok-eloknya eggnog ini didingin semalaman.


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