
Friday, September 21, 2012


These brownies are truly “outrageous.” They are so fudgy that you can just barely call them a brownie, and that is exactly how I like them.  Moist and chocolatey, they are sinful in the best possible way. Crusty base and nutty top....OMG..really outrageous and irresistible. Recipe adapted from Sifu Jimmy.

For the Base
160 g plain flour
20 g roll oats
110 g brown sugar
170 g butter
1/2 tsp salts
10 g milk powder
1 tsp vanilla essense

Mix all ingredients then press into 7" square baking pan. Press with fork and bake at 180 for 20 minutes

For the Brownies

70 g unsalted butter
190 g dark chocolate  
1 tbsp cocoa powder
2 eggs
70 g brown  sugar
70 g all-purpose flour
pinch of salts


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Butter and flour a 12 x 18 x 1-inch baking sheet.

Melt together the butter,  chocolate, cocoa powder over low heat.  Add in brown sugar stir until melt. Allow to cool slightly. In a large bowl, stir (do not beat) together the eggs and fold in the flour and salts.

Don’t over-mix. Pour mixture over base.

Sprinkle  with pecan, walnut, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips

Bake for about 25 minutes, until a toothpick comes out clean. Do not overbake! Allow to cool thoroughly, refrigerate, and cut into 20 large squares.

Peminat Cokolat anda pasti suka brownie ni..lengkap segalanya...dasar yang ranggup brownie yang fudgy dan kaya dengan ras cokolat dan atas yang cukup ranngup dengan wlanut dan pecan. Memang hebat brownie ini..yang terbail pernah saya buat..tekturnya menepati tektur brownie yang sebenar. Kekadang bila kita buat brownie,..brownie akan jadi tektur cake..tetapi yang ini..memang hebat tekturnya. Renyah sedikit kerana perlu membuat basenya tetapi cukup berbaloi.

Next Post - Best Ever Baked Donut


  1. OMMGGGGG kakkk!!! dapnyer kalu dpt masuk mulut nih..mmg heaven woo!! thnx for sharing recipe ye kakpaty!

  2. Hi are absolutely's heaven good and sinfully chocolatay....cepat aje habis kat umah...suka base and nuttynya crunchy..wola..have a nice day

  3. Wallahhhhh.......memang terbaeeekkkkk

  4. Ha..ha Wattie akak jadi syok..bila expert kata ini terBabaeekkkkk..

  5. saya dh cuba resipi akk yg ni..mmg marvelous..kejap je dh abis...
