
Tuesday, July 10, 2012


This steam coco cupcake is the. most. delicious cupcake I've tasted.

It is moist, light, and tender. I made this cake last weekend to bring to my friend for dessert. Because I wanted it to not only taste ultra delish, but also to look pretty and presentable, made some cream and topped with grapes.

I saw this in  Saji July Issue  look so delicious,and yes indeed it was sooo delicious!! The sweetness of the cake  just right for me.

Steam Cocoa Cupcake / Kek Cawan Kukus Koko

1 cup sugar / 1 cawan gula
4 eggs / 4 biji telur
1 cup hot boiling water / 1 cawan air panas mendidih
1 cup corn oil / 1 cawan minyak jagung
½ cup condensed milk / ½ cawan susu pekat
2 ½ cup flour / 2 ½ cawan tepung gandum
½ cup cocoa pr mocha / ½ cawan serbuk koko atau mocha
1 tsp baking soda / 1 sdt soda
1 tsp baking powder / 1 sdt baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence / 1 sdt esen vanilla

Lined muffin pan with paper cup. / Alas acuan muffin dengan paper cup
Sift the flour,cocoa powder,baking powder and baking soda into a large mixing bowl. Set aside. / Ayak semua bahan kering dan letak sebelah
Beat egg and sugar till fluffy / Pukul telur dan gula sehingga naik.
Add in hot water condensed milk and corn oil and mix well and add vanilla essence /Masukkan air panas, susu pekat dan minyak jagung dan esen vanila
Add the flour mixture / Masukkan bahan kering.
Pour the batter into the lined pan and place the pan into the steamer and steam for 15-20 minutes / Masukkan adunan dalam acuan yang disediakan dan kukus selama 15-20  minit
Cool the cake in pan before turning out for decoration. / Sejukkan dan hias


  1. salam kakpaty..nak gak cc cekelat tuh..nyum..nyumm!

  2. asslm Kak Paty...comeiiinye cc tu...mesti sedap jugak rasanya tu...bak mai 4 ketuiii...hihi

  3. Salam Kak Paty..
    wah..rajinnya akak buat cupcake..ada cream lagi tu..sedap2x

  4. lamanya tak jenguk blog akak... and when I finally have time to do it, ada halwa mata choc cc ni... looks depressingly yummy!

  5. Hi Paty, wow! I've never seen this before. Looks really good...And love your display and presentation.
    I can imagine bila you have a party your house, your friends kelam kabote see your arrangement as well your culinary skills.

    Have a nice day.

  6. salam Kak.. wah cupcake ni x yah pakai butter yer.. erm best nih ;D
    tq 4 sharing..

  7. Assalam kak paty..
    sorry kita lambat tiba dapur akak ni..dah banyak dah kita yang sedap2..kek kukus koko ni sedap lagi2 kalau ada chocolate ganache & ada cream to go along with it..
