
Sunday, April 29, 2012


Look's like "bubur cha-cha"  ha ! but it's not. It's payasam a popular Indian pudding. Originally it's white or yellow with some saffron but mine was a bit different, I made it pink by adding some pink colouring and pink sago. This pudding is creamy and sweet. With some ghee and cashew nuts made it more fantastic. Perfect sweet ending for lunch or dinner.

Pink Payasam


Semiya (Vermicelli) : ¾ cup
Full cream Milk: 1 litre
Sugar: ¾ cup
Ghee: 2 tbsp.
Cashew nuts: 8 nos.
Raisins: 1 tbsp.
Cardamom powder: 1 tsp.
Sago ½ cup
Drops of pink colour


Heat 1 tbsp. of ghee in a wide mouthed, thick bottomed pan. Break the cashew nuts into small pieces and fry them in the ghee to a golden color, remove. Add the raisins fry them until they are fluffy, remove. Add the remaining ghee and fry the vermicelli to a golden brown. Add ½ litre of milk and boil, stir occasionally so that the milk doesn’t get burnt nor boil over. When the vermicelli has absorbed all the milk, add some more milk and allow the vermicelli to cook well. It will take approximately 20 minutes. When the vermicelli is cooked (it should be mushy in consistency), add the sugar and remaining milk, coloring  and sago. Boil for some more time until the payasam is thickened. Remove from the stove and add the cardamom powder. Garnish with fried cashew nuts and raisins.


  1. Salam kak,lama ros tak melawat dapur akak.Sedap agaknya dapat makan ni musim panas sekarang kan kak?

  2. salam kak paty.. tun jakun je tgk ni.. baca nama dia pun dh pelik. hihi.. x pernah jumpa. omey kaler pink!

  3. Salam Puan Ros....akak pun sejak keluaar hospital ari tu pasal gastrik agak lembap sedikit berblogging ni...lama juga tak jalan dapur kekawan mungkin next week relax sedikit bolehlah ziarah

  4. Salam Tun....ini favourite masyarakat India susah hendak cari kat kedai biasanya dia orang buat sendiri makan kat umah. Dulu masa akak kecik2 pembantu rumah akak orang India jadi bab2 makanan India ini akak bolehla...memang sedap payassam ni..lemak dan rasa ghee

  5. Salam Paty....cooling kan makan nie tengah hari panas memang ngam. Hihi tu lah kita tak pernah nampak kaler pink ..cantik juga. Take care semuga sihat selalu.

  6. Salam Paty, tak pernah lagi makan payasam ni...nmpk menarik lah... pasti sedap kalau simpan dalam peti ais dan hirup sejuk2 gitu...

  7. Salam kak paty! kita jakun ni kak tp bila tgk kaler dia yg menarik tu tertawan pulak, tp bhn2 pulak masalah sbb takde :D haaaa..ada lagi satu masakan dia org manisan2 tu, mcm sedap jer kan, teringin nak makan manisan2 dia org, dulu2 yg jadi tahu sbb suke tgk citer hindustan ehehhee.. kalau akak ada resepi tu share kan kat sini tau

  8. As'salam Kak paty

    Maaf kak lama juga ct tak menyinggah kesini, kalau pagi ct selalu duk kat FB jer sebab tenant kat rumah tu memang meyeksakan. semput sangat2 tu yang kalau dapat masuk blog kawan2 rasa happy aje..hehehe

    sesuai kak Paty buat dessert ni dimusim panas ni, yang ct suka lagi sebab kaler PINK tu..hehehe

    Take care kak Paty makan ikut jadual ya, ct doakan semoga kak Paty sihat2 selalu..Aminnn

  9. saya tak pernah makan payasam ni lagi...teringin jugak nak rasa....:)

  10. Assalamualaikum Kak Paty,
    Teringin nak makan, nampak sedap. tumpang semangkuk boleh

  11. loved the pink color of payasam....looks delectable!!!
