
Friday, February 10, 2012


I am still obsess with "kuih talam" but this time around more to mini kuih talam, kuih steamed in Chinese Tea Cups. The reason why I moved from the normal tray was...I just can't wait the "cooling period". To get a beautiful cut you got to allow the kuih to set for a minimum 6 hours.....oh no....I'm not the kind of person who have such perseverance so Chinese Tea Cups are my options. It's fast and easy. This recipe was and adaptation of the evergreen Palm Sugar Talam, just to get the double dose on the cream I added shredded young coconut. My goodness it was really creamy and yummy.


  1. As'salam Kak paty

    nampak terus tergoda nak makan kak. ingat buat kuih lapis. Memang betulkan Kak paty, kalau kita nak sesuatu tu kenalah mencuba kelainannya, nak seribu dayakan Kak. Pandai Kak Paty sesuaikan rasanya :)

  2. Salam Kak Paty..
    waa..ada kuih talam yg tomei2..mau join makan2 kat sini..bole k kak?..hehe..

  3. Aslmkm KakPaty. Good morning.... wah, best nya kalau dapat makan pagi2 ni!

  4. salam. Bergaya sungguh kuih talam tu. Nampak menyelerakan.

  5. aslmkum kak paty.. jln2 ptg .. berangan gak nk buat kuih talam .. tpi masih mgadap laptop lagi nih.. huuuu .. suke gak buat walaupun anak2 tak brapa nk layan..

  6. Hi Paty.....ahhhh, this time I double check your name first! Ha ha, Malu la tulis silap. Chari pasal, kan, ha ha ha.
    I suka ni kuih talam, I hink da 27 years I have not eaten these.
    One reason old days I chase after ahemmm, Malay women, especially those who can make cakes.

    Tapi ada tu, not pandai, other things they pandai, but mak dia pandai buat cakes macham ni kuih talam.
    But first time I see made of cocoa.
    I remember the ones I had hijau, ada daun pandan wangi.

    Paty, If I hotel GM, I terus employ you, name your gaji!
    You are good, outstanding!
    Boleh I copy the first picture....? Okay, outang you teh tarek....
    Da lupa berapa I outang you, ha ha ha. Remind me, ya.
    Have a nice day.

  7. Assallamualaikum kak Paty..
    Kak, comel2 jer kuih talam akak ni. Rajin akak kukus dlm bekas tecik2.. Naz dok berkenan kat baking dish akak yg bawah sekali tu.. Cantiknya. Kalau buat puding pun mesti cantik jer kejadiannya..Nak kena cari satu ni..

  8. wah...k.paty masak kuih talam mcm ni mesti banyak dapat..ada balance lagi ke...?

  9. Hi, can you clarify the type of flour used when you list just "flour" as the ingredient. Not sure if you mean all purpose flour or rice flour. Also, what is green bean flour and is it readily available at the Asian markets?
