
Wednesday, April 06, 2011


I got this recipe from the net. A little bit curious to find out the combination of coconut milk and kiwi, I made a try. Overall not to bad, but if happen to do again the next time around I would prefer to make kiwi syrup and pour over the panna cotta. I think that would be great. Any way it's nice and perfect for hot weather like now. Just give a try!!!!


1cup Coconut milk (fresh or tinned)
2 tbsp Dessicated coconut flakes
1 tbsp Agar agar powder
1/2 cup Low fat cream
2 Kiwis
1/4 cup Sugar
1/4 cup Water

Bring boil the water,a tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of agar agar powder, meanwhile chop the kiwi fruits as small chunks..pour the water-agar agar mixture to small bowls or small ramequins,add the kiwi chunks to the bowl and keep aside..Now bring boil together the coconut milks, dessicated coconut flakes, low fat cream and remaining agar agar powder, sugar together..pour this coconut milk mixture over the kiwi-agar agar mixture and keep in fridge for an hour..

Serve chilled!!


Kebetulan banyak betul buah kiwi di rumah jadi, jalan-jalan blogging jumpa resipi terus test. Biasanya panna cotta banyak menggunakan heavy cream atau whip cream tapi kali ini resipi mencadangkan santan. Saya cuba juga sebab curious sangat nak tahu kombinasi santan dan kiwi kena tak???? Rasanya boleh tahan juga la tapi jika berkesempatan membuat kali kedua, saya tidak akan masukkan kiwi ke dalam agar-agar, rasany lebih sesuai buah kiwi ini dijadi kuah sirapnya.


Next Post - Breakfast Menu



  1. kak paty..morningg..
    wahh sedapnyer dessert cam ni..masam2 sikit..fuh

  2. kak..dah nganga mulut nih..tlg suapkan barang sesudu 2..hehe

  3. salam kak paty..apa kabar?htr la sepiring ke umah atie lak..hihi
