
Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Good Morning Malaysia, today breakfast menu will definitely take you down memory lane. I believe the moment you saw the menu, you will remember how our great great grandparents gone through their life with this dish. Ubi Rebus aka Boiled Tapioca was our great great grandparents staple food during the Japanese occupation. Those days it was difficult to find other foods.Many survived on tapioca, as the plant is easily propagated by stem-cutting, grows well in low-nutrient soils, and can be harvested every two months. (However, to grow to full maturity, it takes 10 months).

The plant thus provided much needed carbohydrate and protein. The tapioca is boiled in large blocks until soft, and serve them with grated coconut as a dessert, either slightly salted or sweetened, usually with palm sugar syrup. In fact today boiled tapioca is still a favorite though it is rare to find it in any restuarants. However if one craves for boiled tapioca the best place is to get fresh tapioca from the Farmers Marker and DIY. This boiled tapioca really made my day today. I have been craving for it for quite sometimes. OMG....... really... wonderful with sambal ikan bilis, much better if I can get hold of salted no lunch today since my boiled tapioca covered my lunch. 

To boil, you need to peel the tapioca, cut into medium chunks, not too small and not too big, water just enough to cover the tapioca and a pinch of salts. Boil till tapioca tender. Drain water and serve. You can serve the boiled tapioca with sambal or grated coconut. For the sambal please refer to my Sambal Anchovies and for grated coconut, just mix the fresh coconut with a  pinch of salts and palm sugar. - ENJOY your breakfast.


Ubi rebus sudah tentu membawa kita kepada kenangan di masa lalu, ialah sebut aje ubi rebus ramai yang akan terkenang arwah nenek moyang kita yang terpaksa hidup dengan sajian ini hari-hari. Kini susah betul nak dapat, kalau dikirakann antara 10 restuarant yang ada, cuma satu restuarant aje yang menyediakan sajian ini. Pendek kata kalau betul-betul teringin nak makan kena plan dan cari ubi sampai dapat. Saya suka makan ubi rebus ini dengan sambal tumis. Wee..... memang favorite betul hendak-hendak kalau dapat yang lembek-lembek ...memang makan tak ingat orang dah. Baru-baru ini jumpa ubi apa lagi borong habis la, buat bingka, kuih talam, ubi kukus dan pagi ni ubi rebus, rasany tertunai sudah hasrat di hati ni. Memang puas la pagi ni dapat breakfast ubi rebus. SELAMAT BERSARAPAN dan semoga pagi ini menceriakan anda semua.


Next Post - Talam Kacang Merah


1 comment:

  1. kak sedapnya ubi rebus sy suka makan cicah dengan kelapa + gula .
