
Tuesday, December 07, 2010


I learned this from my sister. She baked very beautiful  pandan custard layer. Mine tak berapa cantik. I did this for my daughter class party, I used 9 x 9 inch baking sheet. My custard layer was a bit thin. Kalau nak cantik tebalkan sedikit. Kena pandai adjust. This is my first entry on baking. I have left baking for years.......Always a busy mum, so ...always get ready made cakes and cookies from the shop. I'm looking to heat up my oven back. Geram tenguk bloggers buat kek tembam-tembam. So this is what I can share, still need a lot of room to improve, anyway this is the beginning.

For the Cake
6 large eggs/ 6 biji telor
1 1/2 cup castor sugar/ 1 1/2 cawan gula castor
2 cups flour/ 2 cawan tepung
1 cup melt butter/ 1 cawan mentega cair
1/2 cup water/ 1/2 cawan air
1 tbsp ovelette/ 1 sdb ovelette
  1. Preheat oven 180C./ Panaskan Oven 180 C       
  2. Beat all ingredient except melt butter until mixture is fluffy./Pukul semua bahan kecuali mentega cair sehingga adunan menjadi ringan dan kembang. 
  3. Pour in melted butter into the batter and mix thoroughly./ Masukkan mentega cair and kacau rata.
  4. Divide into three portion. Pour it into a 9" base and place it into the oven./ Bahagi adunan kepada tiga bahagian dan bakar setiap bahagian dalam acuan pembakar 9 x 9 inch.
  5. When the sponge cake is done, remove it from the cake mould and place it onto the steel mesh and let it cool. Get rid off crust or skin from top of cake./ Bila kek sudah masak, keluarkan dari acuan dan sejukkan. Potong bahagian tepi kek dan keluarkan kerak-kerak di atas kek.

For Custard Layer
1 packet "Hong Kue" powder/ 1 paket tepung Hong Kue.
3 cups water/ 3 cawan air
1 packet coconut milk powder/ 1 paket serbuk santan
1 packet jelly powder/ 1 packet serbuk agar-agar
screwpine paste/ paste pandan
green cloring/ perwarna hijau.
  1. Combine all ingredients in a non stick wok or saucepan./ Campurkan semua dan periuk tidak melekat. 
  2. Cook under low flame, stir constantly until thicken and bubble appeared. Off flame./Kacau diatas api yang perlahan sehingga adunan pekat.
  1. Use back the tin. Pour around 1 ½ cup of custard into tin and level it out. Let it set a little while (not too long) ./ Guna balik tin pembakar curahkan 1 1/2 cawan kastard, ratakan dan biarkan sebenta        
  2. Take a layer of cake and lay it on the custard. Pour custard onto the cake and make sure to fill the gap at the sides. (In the case where there is too little gap in between cake and tin, cut off the sides beforehand)/ Ambil bahagian pertama kek dan letakkan keatas kek.
  3. Repeat same for next layer and the last layer will be the cake layer. NEVER POUR CUSTARD on top of the layer as that will be the base of the cake.Cover the top with cling wrap or aluminum foil and chill cake for 3-4 hours but overnight better./ Ulangi sehingga ke lapis yang ketiga. Tutup dengan kertas aluminium dan sejukkan ke dalam peti sejuk semalaman.
  4. Once chilled, use knife to loosen custard at the sides (please be careful you might cut the custard),Bila dah sejuk bersihkan kastard ditepi-tepi kek. Hati-hati jangan sampai merosakkan kek.
  5. Turn the cake over gently on to a board and sprinkle with dessicated coconut on top and to the sides of the cake./ Keluarkan semula kek dan taburkan kelapa kering.

*Variations - You can use yam paste or strawberry paste. Improvise to make it yours.


Sebenarnya saya dah lama tak "baking", ini merupakan kek pertama saya selepas beberapa tahun tidak membuat Kek. Saya agak kurang puas hati dengan lapisan kastad saya, agak nipis dan kurang menarik. Saya rasa untuk mencantikkan kek elok buat adunan kastad to 1 1/2 adunan. Meletakkan kelapa kering sebenarnya adalah pilihan. Kek ini pun sesuai dibiarkan kosong cantik juga nampak berkilat macam agar-agar. Apa pun semua bergantung pada citarasa masing-masing.

Kek ini juga boleh divariasikan dengan menggunakan pes keladi atau strawberry. 

Next Post - Our Dinner Menu

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