
Monday, March 06, 2017


Bagi yang was-was untuk membeli kuit wanton, makanya kena belajar membuatnya sendiri. Nampak susah tapi mudah. Bahan yang digunakan hanya tepung telur dan air. Cara menyediakanya pula macam membuat roti dan cara mencanai dan mengisi intinya pula sama macam membuat karipap...cukup mudah. 

Kulit wanton ini akan lebih cantik jika kita mempunyai pencanai pasta, wanton akan menjadi nipis cantik dan sekata. Oleh kerana saya tidak memiliki pencanai sedemikian saya cuma lakukan seperti mana membuat karipap adunan dibahagaikan, dibulatkan dan dicanai nipis

Untuk entry ini saya cuma memasuk resipi kulitnya sahaja. Untuk inti dan supnya kita boleh membuatnya ikut selera kita

Wanton Skin

    • 4 cups of plain flour
    • 3 middle size eggs
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cup water +1/4 cup more if needed
    • Starch for dusting (cornstarch or wheat starch recommended)

    1. In a large bowl, mix flour with salt and then add egg in. Stir well.
    2. Slowly add water and keep stirring the mixture. Then grasp with hand to form a ball. Adjust the amount of water based on the water absorbing capacity of your brand of flour. Stop adding water when there is no dry flour in your bowl.
    3. Place the dough in a large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and rest for 10 minutes.
    4. And then knead the dough again for around 8-15 minutes until smooth. Rest for around 30 minutes.
    5. Divide dough in half. Press on half down and roll out to a larger wrapper around 3mm in thickness. Fold up and cover with plastic wrap again for the next resting process.
    6. Finish the other half and reset both for another 30 minutes.
    7. Take one larger wrapper out and divide in half. Roll each of the halves into paper-thin wrapper or as thin as possible. Keep dusting. Then cut the large wrappers into small squares around 8cm.
    8. Repeat to finish all.
    9. Dust the wrappers and then store in plastic bags; they can be store for couple of days in fridge..

      All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use our images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank  You.

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