
Tuesday, November 13, 2012


So much about the Durian Crepes Wave that hit Malaysia now back to business. This is my 8th Fondant Cake despite just started with Fondant barely 3 month. Am still not happy with the finishing anyhow I do believe that practice will perfect it soon. This one tier is for engagement "hantaran" and I used the imprint mat for the design. You can get the mat from Wilton..cost aroung 90-100 ringgit..a bit expensive but it minimised in term ofcracking your brain for ideas on how to fill up the empty spaces on your cake. Well some prefer plain, some prefer it a bit fancy. It's all your call and this is my first try with the imprint mat

I still used roses since it was specifically requested by customer. Looks like purple is still the favourite colour. I tried to use the paint dust..but I did not turned out that well..anyhow it helps in enhancing the color of the cake. So again "for your eyes only" and HAPPY DEEPAVALI  to all my Hindu's friend.

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