
Friday, May 11, 2012


I have a sudden craving for chocolate and decided to make these little tarts. I found the recipes in  The original recipe was from Jamie Oliver Food Revolution book and the recipe calls for cocoa powder in the tarts shell mixture. The original tart was chocolate in color however I made a slight tweak here by omitting cocoa power for the crust and as for topping...I don't have much choice's difficult to get blackberries so I used sugar beads. This mini tarts are lovely...really crunchy and lots of chocolate flavour. Perfect for tea and functions.

Tekak ni kalau dah biasa ajar makan benda-benda yang manis dah jadi habit pula...lepas makan sambil menonton pasti nak yang manis. Ini permintaan anak lelaki saya...kalau chocolate cake tu dah selalu sangat jadi dia minta chocolate tart. Saya pernah membuat chocolate tarts ni masa Raya tahun lalu tetapi saya gunakan resipi lain dan gunakan acuan tart nenas. Tetapi kali ini saya gunakan method tart shell....guna acuan fruit tarts atau cheese tart. Resipi asal dari Jamie Oliver diolah oleh gracesweetlife. Resipi asal  kulitnya berwarna chocolate kerana dimasukan 2 sudu besar serbuk koko...tetapi tak masukkan koko takut gelap sangat jadi saya gunakan warna asal, Sedap tarts ini...kalau yang suka cheese tart cuba yang ini pula...for sure very chocolaty dan rapuh.

Next Post - Custard Orange Layer Cake


  1. salam k.paty..woww xleh tahan tgk tat cekelat akak wat nih..mengancamm! kita copy resipi dulu ye kak!

  2. alahaiiii comel2 nya tart coklat nih...mintk 2biji bleh? Ahaksss...

  3. asslm kak Paty...sedapnye QH tgk tart coklat tu...ade lg x...bak mai...3 ketuii nak rasa2..hehehe

  4. saya ada simpan resepi coklat tat dari Bagus. tp lom pernah buat pun.. hehe.. nampak sedaplah kak...

  5. salam kenal... berkenan sgt dengan tat mini nih...fnf pun buat semalam...tak sempat amek gambar...habis dah anak2 makan...sbb kecik2 tu sekali ngap je betul.

  6. Salam KakPaty. Wow, memang rajin ler KakPaty ni. I'm sure your children appreciated it so much! Happy Mother's day to you.

  7. Slmt berhujung minggu buat k.Paty.tat coklat...sedap. dah lama berkenan tp tak terbuat2 lagi...
    re; k.Paty ,sayapun suka makanan tu, namanya tokmiyah@falafel.mkn gitu je tp org Arab mkn letak dlm pitta bread.gambarpun ada ambil org jual tokmiyah ni tp belum sempat buat entry. sy ada beli yg instant punya,tp tak buat lagi. resepi jumpa di satu blog

    Falafel Balls Ingredients:

    1 cup dried chickpeas or 16 oz. can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans.
    1 large onion, chopped
    2 cloves of garlic, chopped
    3 tablespoons of fresh parsley, chopped
    1 teaspoon coriander
    1 teaspoon cumin
    2 tablespoons flour
    Oil for frying

    Falafel Balls Preparation:

    Place dried chickpeas in a bowl, covering with cold water. Allow to soak overnight. Omit this step if using canned beans.
    Drain chickpeas, and place in pan with fresh water, and bring to a boil.
    Allow to boil for 5 minutes, then let simmer on low for about an hour.
    Drain and allow to cool for 15 minutes.
    Combine chickpeas, garlic, onion, coriander, cumin, salt and pepper (to taste) in medium bowl. Add flour.
    Mash chickpeas, ensuring to mix ingredients together. You can also combine ingredients in a food processor. You want the result to be a thick paste.
    Form the mixture into small balls, about the size of a ping pong ball. Slightly flatten.
    Fry in 2 inches of oil at 350 degrees until golden brown (5-7 minutes).
    Serve hot.

  8. saya memang kagum la dgn kak paty ni..rajin betul buat kek n pastry2 ni..saya kalau buat tart ni saya sorang je yg makan kat rumah ni....huhuhu....tak dek geng nak makan....

    mesti seronok kan kak...tiap kali masak ada je yg suka n tukang perabih...hehehhe
